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US wants to leave peacekeeping and rebuilding Afganistan to Europe!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by red_jon
    (My apologies to any decent Americans I offended - we should be standing together, but you're always gonna get some moron like wiglaf watching the Redneck News Network )
    And you also are going to get some moron like redjon watching the British Bullcrap Communist Network.
    For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


    • #32
      Originally posted by Giancarlo

      And you also are going to get some moron like redjon watching the British Bullcrap Communist Network.
      Don't push me.


      • #33
        My apologies to any decent Americans I offended - we should be standing together, but you're always gonna get some moron like wiglaf watching the Redneck News Network
        it's YOUR little commie island country that isn't standing together with America. Canada, Italy, the UK, and Austraila should all be attacked and hit or otherwise seriously warned (economically screwed) for their essential defiance of the United States despite promising the world and President Bush otherwise. Where are those mighty fleets of yours? Where did Austrailia's cute tin can desert rovers go?

        you can hide behind that little Redneck crap just as much as you duck under the "we're just peacekeepers" slogan forever until the end of terrorism. I don't care.

        "action, not words."


        • #34
          Originally posted by Wiglaf

          it's YOUR little commie island country that isn't standing together with America. Canada, Italy, the UK, and Austraila should all be attacked and hit or otherwise seriously warned (economically screwed) for their essential defiance of the United States despite promising the world and President Bush otherwise. Where are those mighty fleets of yours? Where did Austrailia's cute tin can desert rovers go?
          As far as I am aware, UK has an aircraft carrier in the region as well as some submarines. It has launched cruise missile strikes against the Taleban and Al-Queda and now it is providing air tankers to refuel American planes above Afganistan. Incidently, American pilots said that the British tanker pilots were much more willing to deviate from their flight plans and go into danger to refill the fighters than their American counterparts. Furthermore, the UK had special op troops (the SAS) operating in Afganistan since the war had begun. Currently it has 100 paratroopers in Afganistan too and 6000 more are on standby if they are needed. You can hardly claim they have been inactive. Sure the US could do it without the British, but they did offer what they had.
          Rome rules


          • #35

            they launched cruise missile strikes? I must've missed it. Oh, wait. The ones on DAY ONE OF THE NOW MONTH AND A HALF LONG OPERATION? Right, it's all PR. They had to do something to avoid looking like selfish snobs, but evidently I'm the only one here who hasn't been fooled by that trickery. It dates back hundreds of years, actually.

            as for the bravery, that's nice. what's your source?


            • #36
              By the way, after observing and reviewing the definition provded by the Webster's Dictionary, you're a communist in every sense of the word.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Wiglaf
                By the way, after observing and reviewing the definition provded by the Webster's Dictionary, you're a communist in every sense of the word.

                This is the first time I have heard this!! Che, can I now join the party?

                I am not a Communist! Rather, I advocate free market policies and values such as deregulation, lowering taxes and respect for private property.

                I would love to see how you established my "socialist credentials"!
                Rome rules


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Wiglaf

                  they launched cruise missile strikes? I must've missed it. Oh, wait. The ones on DAY ONE OF THE NOW MONTH AND A HALF LONG OPERATION? Right, it's all PR. They had to do something to avoid looking like selfish snobs, but evidently I'm the only one here who hasn't been fooled by that trickery. It dates back hundreds of years, actually.

                  as for the bravery, that's nice. what's your source?
                  PR or not, the British did launch the cruise missiles and they did put forces on the ground in Afganistan.

                  The sources are too numerous. I have been following the war on the CNN and the BBC for too long now to remember on what day I have seen what and on what channel.
                  Rome rules


                  • #39
                    I am not a Communist! Rather, I advocate free market policies and values such as deregulation, lowering taxes and respect for private property.
                    Ah, a stealth communist. There must be a scratch on the armor somewhere. Maybe that's why only american planes are over Afghanistan?

                    have been following the war on the CNN and the BBC for too long now to remember on what day I have seen what and on what channel.
                    CNN? Jesse Jackson might as well live in that liberal swamp. Fox News is superior in every way. Stick to good American, unbiased news, even if you have to import a TV and a connection or something. you obviously have enough money.

                    PR or not, the British did launch the cruise missiles
                    Great, they did nothing and whatever the news displayed was STILL nowhere near what was promised. blair took the middle ground, his country should be invaded.

                    The sources are too numerous
                    so are you commies.
                    Last edited by Wiglaf; November 21, 2001, 22:31.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Wiglaf
                      Ah, a stealth communist. There must be a scratch on the armor somewhere. Maybe that's why only american planes are over Afghanistan?
                      What does this have to do with Communism?

                      Anyway, I support the American military action over Afganistan, but I think they should stay to rebuild too.

                      CNN? Jesse Jackson might as well live in that liberal swamp. Fox News is superior in every way. Stick to good American, unbiased news, even if you have to import a TV and a connection or something. you obviously have enough money.
                      No, I don't have enough money for that. I read BBC and CNN on the web.

                      Great, they did nothing and whatever the news displayed was STILL nowhere near what was promised. blair took the middle ground, his country should be invaded.
                      What exactly has been promised then? I don't remember any broken promises on the part of Britain. They are backing the US 100% just as they should be and have helped both militarily and especially diplomatically.

                      so are you commies.
                      I am really getting the kicks out of this! I have never even dreamed of being called a Communist!

                      I think people who have seen my other posts should testify for my 'socialist credentials.'
                      Last edited by Roman; November 21, 2001, 22:39.
                      Rome rules


                      • #41
                        Wiglaf, you will not get anywhere by insulting you opponents, particularly by calling Roman something so hard to back up with proof as a communist. Instead, maybe you should examine his argument. In essence, he is agreeing with you. He agrees that America did almost all of the work in Afghanistan other than the NA. He just disagrees with your more unfounded belief that Britain promised anything more than military support, which it is providing, even if it's military is not doing any of the fighting.
                        "Remember, there's good stuff in American culture, too. It's just that by "good stuff" we mean "attacking the French," and Germany's been doing that for ages now, so, well, where does that leave us?" - Elok


                        • #42
                          Thanks Admiral, you concisely captured the essence of what I am trying to express.
                          Rome rules


                          • #43
                            this thread sucks

                            just remember not every american is like wiglaf. just most of them


                            • #44
                              "Fox News is superior in every way. Stick to good American, unbiased news, even if you have to import a TV and a connection or something. you obviously have enough money."

                              Made my day. Thanks. LOL....

                              Tell me people, what percentage of the US population would you estimate to be braindead wiglaf-style ? I hope it's not more than 5 % ?


                              • #45
                                Wiglaf, you are SUCH a cretin!

                                Who is in charge of this operation? The US. Who has the option for using the assets provided by other nations? The US. Who has chosen not to use them? The US.

                                The stuff is there, but the US has chosen to deal with the bombing side of things by themselves...note that word "chosen".

                                On the ground side of things, obviously the bulk is the NA, but there are also SAS as well as US special forces in about equal numbers...who have been there since the beginning. Just because we don't film it to keep the news networks happy doesn't mean they aren't there.

