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What Should Happen to George W. Bush?

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  • Faded Glory -
    No that is a dangerous definition of anarchy, not freedom
    I got that definition straight from the dictionary. I'll ask again: where did you get your "definition" of freedom?

    Freedom is the ability to go about your lives in whatever way you see fit.
    And how is this definition any different than the one I got from the dictionary?
    Explain how you can go about your life as you see fit if others impose upon you coercion or constraints to stop you from going about your life as you see fit. Are you a Bush/Republican supporter? If so, you don't believe in freedom because they don't. Ever hear of the drug war? It is a war on people who try to go about their own live's as they see fit. I can add many more examples.

    To criticize your leaders...and protest accordingly. These laws in no way hinder my ability be free.
    And what if you're an immigrant awaiting citizenship and the Atty Gen decides you're a suspect of terrorism and puts you in a cage for a few years without any trial? He can do that under these new laws!!!!

    Convenience and Civil Liberties are different things. Do not mix them!
    Wtf are you talking about? I asked you for your definition of freedom and you are jumping around to other issues.

    You dont have the right to walk past security at an airport!
    Never said I did. Can you actually quote me for a change?

    You dont have a right to not pull over during a blockade stop!
    I don't even have a right to drive a car on a public road. I wish you could keep to what I have said.

    This is Public Safety, NOT Civil Liberties!
    So people don't have the civil liberty of a trial by jury? I suggest you read the Constitution.

    Stop beating this poor dog to death!
    Just to rehash: you claimed my definition of freedom was dangerous/anarchy, Then you offered a definition of freedom that is no different than mine. And then you attributed to me the beliefs that we are free to bypass airport security and roadblocks. It would be nice if you could stick to the debate.


    • If I said what I thought should happen to Bush the FBI would come knocking on my door. The crap about "national security" justifying taking away our freedoms is the same BS the bolsheviks used. 9-11 was America's Reichstag fire.
      "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners." - Edward Abbey


      • Joe, I totally agree, except it wouldn't be the FBI, it'd be the SS - American Secret Service, although I think Schultzstaffeln fits them quite nicely as well.
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        • It'll be the Texas Rangers that'll bust down your door...

          Oh, wait a minute. Dubya$$ sold the Texas Rangers awhile back didn't he?

          "...such a big disgrace. Kickin' his can all over the place. We will, we will bomb you! SING IT!"

          - Scipio Seditious
          Delende est Ashcrofto

