Paitkis22 -
Jesus didn't say, "hey you guys, let's form a government and forcibly take that guy's coat and give it to that other guy". Big difference between socialism and letting people decide for themselves if they want to be charitable. And when instructing his disciples, Jesus explained they were to travel the land visiting towns preaching the message, and to leave those who reject the message alone and visit the next town. Early Christians (pre-Constantine) lived in towns and did share belongings - voluntarily - but did not require or force others to do as they did.
Dinodoc -
You must be confusing him with someone else, Connor was a student at Liberty U, Jerry Falwell's Christian university. And I'm not sure Connor is an "objectivist" either, just a libertarian.
Ramo -
Not being an objectivist, I'm probably unqualified to characterize it, but I do understand that nature exists
and that objectivism is about recognising what nature is telling us - observing reality. As for "greed" and morality, is it greed - immoral - for you to keep what you earn/own to provide for yourself and your family? I call that your highest priority in life...
The one who has two Hitones (you translate two garments of some kind) ) must give one to his fellow man» = Socialism
Dinodoc -
Connor is an atheist which to my understand goes had in hand with his philosophy of Objectivism
Ramo -
It's a crazy ideology that purports an objective existence of reality, and assigns positive moral values to greed. For some odd reason, objectivists tend to be libertarians
