Originally posted by bayraven
regarding the 70 years lapse (many believe it to be much less, falling well within John's life span), but suppose it was 70 years after the death of Christ, do you think that renders the observations specious? If so, is it also a concern that there are no extant copies of any NT books?
regarding the 70 years lapse (many believe it to be much less, falling well within John's life span), but suppose it was 70 years after the death of Christ, do you think that renders the observations specious? If so, is it also a concern that there are no extant copies of any NT books?
As for the former, my point is that there is no reliable evidence as to who wrote John or when. So one can rationally doubt the text of it is an accurate portrayal of the life of Jesus or of the things he may have really said, just as much as we can doubt the Romances of Alexander had much accuracy wrt to the reality of Alexander.
It is one of the consistent experiences of history that religious texts written for propaganda purposes, as the NT was, are notoriously prone to misinformation, exaggeration, and falsification.