Originally posted by Flubber
This doesn't make sense. If I work in a factory producing small private luxury jets or 50 foot luxury yatchs, I must be paid enough to purchase those items?? Thats silly. Are you saying the person building the compact car can be paid less than the one building the luxury car? OR are you saying that EVERYONE must be paid enough to purchase the most luxurious item produced by that society
This doesn't make sense. If I work in a factory producing small private luxury jets or 50 foot luxury yatchs, I must be paid enough to purchase those items?? Thats silly. Are you saying the person building the compact car can be paid less than the one building the luxury car? OR are you saying that EVERYONE must be paid enough to purchase the most luxurious item produced by that society
The idea being that there are really no capital owners since the owners are the state which will provide for all. Sorry but thats not my idea of fair. perhaps I am too individualist but I want the benefit of my own labors and I am comfortable negotiating with the "capitalist" to get my share. I don't wnat my labors pooled with everyone else and then have the state provide me with some standard of living based on average societal output. I LIKE the striving and the trying to succeed