PATACT 1 & 2
I don't really see what the Patriot Act has to do with religious conservatives...
Desire to pack the Supreme Court with highly conservative folk and overturn Roe V. Wade
Many Republicans want strict constructionists ("highly conservative folks" to the left) appointed to the Supreme Court. Bush is doing the will of a great many people on this, not just the will of religious conservatives.
Creationism taught in science class
As Ming said, Bush has nothing to do with this.
Rediculous restrictions on stem cell research
Possibly. Then again, Bush could also be appealing to Catholics or people who, while not particularly religious, have moral qualms about using fetal tissue for research . These people aren't part of your fundie conspiracy, are they?
Ban gay marriages
The most Bush has done on this is throw his support behind a federal amendment that was guaranteed to fail. Meanwhile, he's expressed his support for civil unions, much to the dismay of the religious conservatives you claim control him.
yeah...that's "just a bone here and there" for the far right
I'm only counting one possible bone...