I agree with Che. Man can't be separated from his origin- human beings are social apes- our basic common humanity flows from our basic shared ancestry. Our core values are those rules needed to have a succesful band of social apes. Obviously, even in Ape bands there is always a tension between the Individual and The Group, because in the end every individual is driven to survive and spread their genes, but being in a group improves their chances against even greater forces around.
This is why all societies have rules against murder, which invariably always begin as ules against killing members of your own group, with little regard to others outside. The same for rules about theft (which before trinkets obviously applied to basic needs like food) and sexual mores (probably the biggest headache given the biological imperative).
Our intelligence not only has allowed human beings to make up all sort of new tools and gadgest, but perhaps our greatest strength was the ability to make up new rules and structures to organize ever larger social groups. In most animal species, there is a limit to size of the group before it collapses under its weight. BY being able to conceptualize new rules for behavior human beings have been able to inhabit groups in the millions. These greater concepts are not standard, as there are multiple ways to solve the various problems that having massive human groups create amongst themselves.
This is why all societies have rules against murder, which invariably always begin as ules against killing members of your own group, with little regard to others outside. The same for rules about theft (which before trinkets obviously applied to basic needs like food) and sexual mores (probably the biggest headache given the biological imperative).
Our intelligence not only has allowed human beings to make up all sort of new tools and gadgest, but perhaps our greatest strength was the ability to make up new rules and structures to organize ever larger social groups. In most animal species, there is a limit to size of the group before it collapses under its weight. BY being able to conceptualize new rules for behavior human beings have been able to inhabit groups in the millions. These greater concepts are not standard, as there are multiple ways to solve the various problems that having massive human groups create amongst themselves.