But then there should be some form of voluntary opt out clause....you opt out of the program and sign something that says the govn't owes you NADA. (and I'd take that option in a heartbeat, cos *I* can't trust the government to plan for my retirement correctly, sad to say)
Savings accounts....very easy to set up. Trusts though, being a legal...groping for the right word here....device....a bit more involved. Not that the government couldn't do it, mind. Obviously they could. The fact remains though, that it's going to be just this side of ****e, cos the overworked and underpayed people they'll have setting them up won't have a background in money, won't really know what they're doing, aside from checking boxes on a form, and won't give any particular attention to the funds they create.

For what it's worth, I like the idea in principle....just don't trust the government to execute it worth a damn.
Savings accounts....very easy to set up. Trusts though, being a legal...groping for the right word here....device....a bit more involved. Not that the government couldn't do it, mind. Obviously they could. The fact remains though, that it's going to be just this side of ****e, cos the overworked and underpayed people they'll have setting them up won't have a background in money, won't really know what they're doing, aside from checking boxes on a form, and won't give any particular attention to the funds they create.

For what it's worth, I like the idea in principle....just don't trust the government to execute it worth a damn.