Scenario: a gay male couple and a woman (a total of THREE people) are on an island at the same time. Suddenly everyone else in the world disappears, leaving only the three island-goers.
Question - if you are one of the gay guys, and you are really attracted to your gay partner, and don't really like or feel anything for the girl, what do you do?
A - Stay true and gay, and only "date", WINK WINK, your male friend, and sexually avoid the female,
B - Have "relations" WINK WINK with the female, even though you don't want to, in the interests of preserving the species.
Question - if you are one of the gay guys, and you are really attracted to your gay partner, and don't really like or feel anything for the girl, what do you do?
A - Stay true and gay, and only "date", WINK WINK, your male friend, and sexually avoid the female,
B - Have "relations" WINK WINK with the female, even though you don't want to, in the interests of preserving the species.