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"Strange" IOC drug test leads to top athlets motorcycle crash

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  • BTW hilarious that the level of neaderdalism is counted on how one's speaking english and not the fact that loosers like zylka dont even speak a second language

    hold still mye heart


    • I'm not Polish. and you're not intelligent

      you're a *ing ugly greaseball who finds refuge in indy media. You're being told what to think by even uglier, unaccomplished greaseballs.

      though I may one day beat my addictions - you will never beat being an ugly, uncharismatic sheep. you were BORN that way and it can not be changed!

      <3 coldshot


      • Originally posted by paiktis22
        BTW hilarious that the level of neaderdalism is counted on how one's speaking english and not the fact that loosers like zylka dont even speak a second language
        I speak two languages and am learning a third. luckily I only need ENGLISH which is what commands the born ugly nationalities of this world. Have fun being Mr. revolutionary in the impoverished rectum of Europe! I'll think of your monthly salary next time I'm frivelously nailing a shot of coke


        • another denier of ethnicity....

          You yourself has said you're polish.


          it seems that I have that junkie squarely on my hook... what to do....
          just piss on it and be on my way i guess


          • oh I'm sure those langauges will be good for you. you dont even have one of your own, so it figures.

            what drug are you on now BTW?

            (BTW and after your neurotic edit: my salary can probably buy a ****load of coke, I'm just not as screwed up as you to need it)
            Last edited by Bereta_Eder; August 13, 2004, 04:26.


            • greaseball greaseball, someone's upset that he's forever an ugly hairy greaaaaaseball


              • Comment

                • jerk


                  • bless you zylka


                    • meanie


                      • Originally posted by paiktis22
                        IOC are one of the most corrupted, rotten, seclusive destructive for the Olympics cult ever to smear that planet BTW.

                        either they change or the Olympics die. not even Athens "Ancient ideals" (TM) can revive them after so much corruption
                        Bill Walton (famous American basketball player and now sportscaster) said last weekend:

                        I used to naively think that NBA players had the best possible lifestyle, until I saw how IOC officials lived.
                        He's got the Midas touch.
                        But he touched it too much!
                        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                        • MaYnie MO!
                          Poking the junkie with the stick to go



                          • Originally posted by paiktis22
                            not really, it just doesnt have the "White" nazi craze.

                            it does have racism in a different level
                            That could be your new slogan:

                            Greece. Taking Racism to a Whole New Level!
                            He's got the Midas touch.
                            But he touched it too much!
                            Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                            • Originally posted by Sikander

                              Bill Walton (famous American basketball player and now sportscaster) said last weekend:

                              I used to naively think that NBA players had the best possible lifestyle, until I saw how IOC officials lived.

                              They are very corrupted... I get that feeling whenever i see them...

                              not to mention samarank had franco connections


                              • Originally posted by Sikander

                                That could be your new slogan:

                                Greece. Taking Racism to a Whole New Level!

                                I'm the bait. I walk around pissing on everybody and we get to see who the racists are. It's a good scheme and just puts others in tough positions.

