Originally posted by Spiffor
This isn't wrong per se, but the consequences are. Today's agrisubsidies are corporate pork which have the nice side effect of making our family farms viable. We're not talking some inhuman figures here, we're talking about millions of people whose life decency depends on the subsidies (the subsidies complete their income: they're not paid to do nothing, but instead they're paid enough for their work).
What, precisely, is wrong with this?
This isn't wrong per se, but the consequences are. Today's agrisubsidies are corporate pork which have the nice side effect of making our family farms viable. We're not talking some inhuman figures here, we're talking about millions of people whose life decency depends on the subsidies (the subsidies complete their income: they're not paid to do nothing, but instead they're paid enough for their work).
What's wrong with the corporate pork being cut? And if the family farmers still can't compete (because they produce less food at higher cost), why should we try and preserve them? It's completely useless.