Re: Ignore list
After a year or so of posting at Slashdot, I realized that I really don't enjoy reading things at -1: Raw and Uncut. Putting people on Ignore gives me a pseudo-Slashcode effect of making certain posts opt-in.
I reply to people I am ignoring all the time. I just don't want to see their every post.
Like I said, Ignore just makes posts opt-in. A single middle-click gives me the text in all its glory.
With our quoting practices, random sampling is an effective way of finding the gems
Well, I do reevaluate my list. Asher was on it for a while, but he's off it now that he's lucid again. IIRC, Dissident got on it, got off, and then ended up on it again.
Imran kinda romanced the list for a while, but I never put him on and his posts are good.
Ben is rather unlikely to ever make the list, as I feel an affinity to him. He's a classicist and I'm a nihilist. We are both children of a different time.
I've recently put on the more trite of the left-wing posters on it as well. Eh.
Originally posted by Oerdin
I'm proud to say I've never had anyone on an ignore list. Sure, I pay more attention to some posters then others but to just ignore somone says more about your lack of acceptance of alternative view points then it does about the person you are ignoring.
I'm proud to say I've never had anyone on an ignore list. Sure, I pay more attention to some posters then others but to just ignore somone says more about your lack of acceptance of alternative view points then it does about the person you are ignoring.
After a year or so of posting at Slashdot, I realized that I really don't enjoy reading things at -1: Raw and Uncut. Putting people on Ignore gives me a pseudo-Slashcode effect of making certain posts opt-in.
It basically says that you can't come up with effective agruments and so you've just stopped trying.
I reply to people I am ignoring all the time. I just don't want to see their every post.
I suppose that someone could claim that certain users never post anything worth listening to but I disagree. Even Fez comes up with good posts from time to time and at a minimum there is humerous value to his posts.

Like I said, Ignore just makes posts opt-in. A single middle-click gives me the text in all its glory.
With our quoting practices, random sampling is an effective way of finding the gems
So who amoungst us uses the ignore list and why? Do you ever reevaluate your ignore list or do you just perminently leave someone there to rot? Since posters tend to modify their styles over time wouldn't this be unfair?
Well, I do reevaluate my list. Asher was on it for a while, but he's off it now that he's lucid again. IIRC, Dissident got on it, got off, and then ended up on it again.
Imran kinda romanced the list for a while, but I never put him on and his posts are good.
Ben is rather unlikely to ever make the list, as I feel an affinity to him. He's a classicist and I'm a nihilist. We are both children of a different time.
I've recently put on the more trite of the left-wing posters on it as well. Eh.