At what point did China's communist revolution take shape?
China had to wait until the 70s (around) be recognized as a state and until then, it would be incorrect to call it a revolution, but rather still a rebellion or revolt. Kind of like how North Korea and South Korea are still technically at war with each other because of the lack of cease fire. But when it was recognized as a state, then when China would be technically considered to have had a revolution.
After all, if the previous government exists in some form, it is conceivable that with foriegn help they could take back the country (perhaps not in China, but in other states) and any 'revolution' wording would be stricken from the history books.
Like I said, the American Civil War is not called the 2nd American Revolution, or considered a revolution at all. And it would not have been until the US recognized it as such (even if fighting had slowed to a crawl) or the European countries did.