That sounds terrible. Kind of like that woman who had half a skull for a few months before the healthcare system paid for a new one.
The US healthcare system, while not being perfect, does not necessarily cast people adrift. After Medicare there is Medicaid, and if you can't qualify for that then there is usually another state program for low income people like Ohio's Health Care Assistance Program (HCAP). You won't be able to get brain surgery through these programs or get really high quality treatment (Helen Hunt's kid in "As Good As It Gets" anyone?), but you won't be left to die.
But yeah, I agree, there has to be a better way. Maybe more organization and cooperation, etc, etc...
The US healthcare system, while not being perfect, does not necessarily cast people adrift. After Medicare there is Medicaid, and if you can't qualify for that then there is usually another state program for low income people like Ohio's Health Care Assistance Program (HCAP). You won't be able to get brain surgery through these programs or get really high quality treatment (Helen Hunt's kid in "As Good As It Gets" anyone?), but you won't be left to die.
But yeah, I agree, there has to be a better way. Maybe more organization and cooperation, etc, etc...