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Euro 2004 predictions - first round

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  • If Holland and Latvia play a draw and germany loses, 3 teams have 2 points.........
    Has that ever happened before on any european championship?

    In that case I guess Holland will continue, unless Germany loses with 2-3 from Czech. (and Latvia-Holland = 0-0)

    Holland - Latvia: 0-0
    Germany-Czech: 2-3

    Czech: 9 (8 - 5)
    Holland: 2 (3 - 4)
    Germany: 2 (3 - 4)
    Latvia: 2 (1 - 2)

    Who goes trough in this case? Holland or Germany?
    I guess Germany since the qualifying matches for Holland for Euro2004 and WorldCup 2002 sucked big time.....

    In any case that the germans score 2 or more goals than the dutch in the last game, the germans go through.
    If they only score 1 goal more, Holland goes through.

    Go Czech........ did we sent them much much MUCH money already?
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • Originally posted by CyberShy
      I think we can say that most people want Holland to go to the next round instead of Germany. Thanks for your support guys

      Good thing we have not much germans overhere
      I wouldn´t bet on that

      It´s just that we Germans are nice guys who secretly enjoy the bad performances of the Dutch team (go CZE!!! ) and know that Rudi Völler´s "Eleven" will meet the Greek in the finals
      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
      Let me eat your yummy brain!
      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


      • Croatia - England 2-4
        Switzerland - France 1-3

        Group winner: France
        Second place: England
         1 Dauphin           46 (+9)
         2 Laertes           40 (+9)
         3 MikeH             38 (+9)
         4 Zopperoni         34 (+9)
         4 lightblue         34 (+7)
         4 Kitschum          34 (+9)
         4 End Is Forever    34 (+9)
         8 Sloth             32 (+1)
         8 Drogue            32 (+9)
         8 Wernazuma III     32 (+9)
        11 TheArsenal        30 (+9)
        11 Al'Kimiya         30 (+5)
        11 Locutus           30 (+9)
        11 germanos          30 (+9)
        11 Paul              30 (+9)
        16 Footie Mad        28 (+5)
        16 OneFootInTheGrave 28 (+5)
        16 Victor Galis      28 (+11)
        19 mapet             27 (+6)
        20 Park Avenue       26 (+5)
        20 Ambro2000         26 (+3)
        20 Monk              26 (+3)
        20 Kropotkin         26 (+7)
        20 Solver            26 (+9)
        25 Jamski            25 (+6)
        26 paiktis22         24 (+2)
        27 CyberShy          23 (+6)
        28 VJ                20 (+3)
        28 Colon             20 (+5)
        30 DeathByTheSword   14
        30 Winston           14 (+4)
        32 Gangerolf         10 (+2)
        33 Micha              0


        • I have started a new thread where you can post your predictions for the knock-out phase of the tournament.


          • Yay! Today's predictions keep me going
            "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
            -Joan Robinson


            • Group B has the most predictable result possible what a boring group
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • England 4-2 Croatia; France 2-1 England; Croatia 2-2 France

                Those three games were hardly boring to watch. I also think this group boasts the most goals.
                One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                • Yeah, the games defenitely were entertaining!
                  But the results are predictable
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • Via the ancient art of foretelling the future by spinning really fast and then sitting down i bring these prophecies.

                    Sweden - Denmark 2-1
                    Italy - Bulgaria 3-0
                    It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars


                    • PORTUGOOOAAAAALLLLLL !!!!

                      "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
                      "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


                      • Italy - Bulgaria 2-1
                        Denmark - Sweden 2-2

                        Group winner: Sweden
                        Second place: Denmark
                         1 Dauphin             51 (+5)
                         2 Laertes             45 (+5)
                         3 MikeH               41 (+3)
                         4 germanos            40 (+10)
                         5 Zopperoni           38 (+4)
                         6 lightblue           37 (+3)
                         6 Drogue              37 (+5)
                         6 Kitschum            37 (+3)
                         6 End Is Forever      37 (+3)
                        10 TheArsenal          36 (+6)
                        10 Wernazuma III       36 (+4)
                        12 Sloth               35 (+3)
                        12 Al'Kimiya           35 (+5)
                        12 Locutus             35 (+5)
                        12 Paul                35 (+5)
                        16 Footie Mad          33 (+5)
                        17 Monk                32 (+6)
                        17 Victor Galis        32 (+4)
                        19 OneFootInTheGrave   31 (+3)
                        20 mapet               30 (+3)
                        20 Kropotkin           30 (+4)
                        20 Solver              30 (+4)
                        23 CyberShy            29 (+6)
                        24 Park Avenue         28 (+2)
                        24 Jamski              28 (+3)
                        26 Ambro2000           27 (+1)
                        26 Colon               27 (+7)
                        28 paiktis22           26 (+2)
                        29 VJ                  22 (+2)
                        30 Winston             17 (+3)
                        31 Gangerolf           14 (+4)
                        31 DeathByTheSword     14
                        33 Micha                0
                        I just noticed that I made a stupid mistake in my own prediction for Italy-Bulgaria that cost me 2 points.


                        • You meant it to be the other way around? That sucks.

                          Thanks for staging this BTW! It's a lot of fun.


                          • Originally posted by Paul
                            Denmark - Sweden 2-2

                            One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                            • Originally posted by Paul

                              Denmark - Sweden 2-2

                              Group winner: Sweden
                              Second place: Denmark

                              What a match. And a perfect result
                              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                              • That 2nd Swedish goal was so given away.
                                The Danish keeper could have caught the ball, but he defenitly slammed it into the feet of the only swedish player around. The danish defender could have easily blocked the shot, but instead of that he stepped back and made room for the Swedish player to score.

                                They did it very clever, and no-one can prove that they did it. But they surely gave that goal away.

                                Besides that, several times there were Danish players after the 2-1 in goal scoring positions. They could shoot from far freely, but shot heigh over.
                                And instead that they showed a face in anger, like most people do when they mess up a good change, they just walked away like: "I did my thing"

                                But I'm happy with the Danish and the Swedes in the quarter Finals. Screw the italians with their anti-football.

                                I didn't forgot about the halve-finals of euro 2000.
                                Screw the italians, their football sucks big time. That they might be eliminated every time every game from now on, untill they start to play football
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

