I've been doing a lot of study on these two things over the past month. (Not because of the Day After Tomorrow movie of course).
I'm very interested in where Civilization started.
I don't want to rule out God or Evolution in doing so.
So far I have come up with these ideas:
1. God created everything, but the actual creation process is the same as the way scientists have discovered it to be.
2. The {Last} Ice Age comes, and the humans survive through it for 90,000? years. These 90,000 years include the slow graduation of the Earth cooling, then to mid Ice Age, where Ice covers most of the planet, freezing oceans and creating ice blankets 2 miles thick, etc.
3. As the humans (Homo-Sapiens?) walk around looking for better land and more importantly - food, eventually, after thousands of years some find the Fertile Crescent.
The Fertile Crescent I am talking about is the area around the Gulf. Here is where the humans settle, here is where they first learn to grow their own food (agriculture).
4. The ice starts to melt extremely and floods occur (The Great Flood?). When the water has returned to the ocean, the ocean has risen and much of the previous coast is now under water, including some of the Fertile Crescent (the mouth to the ocean of the Eurphrates and the Tigris rivers are said to be the major part of the Fertile Crescent (The Garden of Eden).
5. Anyway, agriculture lead to more people and time, more people and time lead to other ideas, leading to religion, writing, and so on, and so the birth of Civilization begins.
I'm very interested in where Civilization started.
I don't want to rule out God or Evolution in doing so.
So far I have come up with these ideas:
1. God created everything, but the actual creation process is the same as the way scientists have discovered it to be.
2. The {Last} Ice Age comes, and the humans survive through it for 90,000? years. These 90,000 years include the slow graduation of the Earth cooling, then to mid Ice Age, where Ice covers most of the planet, freezing oceans and creating ice blankets 2 miles thick, etc.
3. As the humans (Homo-Sapiens?) walk around looking for better land and more importantly - food, eventually, after thousands of years some find the Fertile Crescent.
The Fertile Crescent I am talking about is the area around the Gulf. Here is where the humans settle, here is where they first learn to grow their own food (agriculture).
4. The ice starts to melt extremely and floods occur (The Great Flood?). When the water has returned to the ocean, the ocean has risen and much of the previous coast is now under water, including some of the Fertile Crescent (the mouth to the ocean of the Eurphrates and the Tigris rivers are said to be the major part of the Fertile Crescent (The Garden of Eden).
5. Anyway, agriculture lead to more people and time, more people and time lead to other ideas, leading to religion, writing, and so on, and so the birth of Civilization begins.