Originally posted by lord of the mark
Are you expecting a 6 year global conventional war with tens of millions of casualties to take place again?? If not the above is irrelevant.
Are you expecting a 6 year global conventional war with tens of millions of casualties to take place again?? If not the above is irrelevant.
So it only gets to the weighing the risks involved in Iranian nukes, vs the costs of elminating them. Im not convinced that the diplomatic costs to the US would exceed those to Israel after Osirak.
Of course they would- 1. Israel had a low standing to begin with, and Israel knew its friends and backers would not take action against it. The US has much bigger interests, interests which are global, not simply regional, so we stand a much bigger threat to our prestige than Israel. PLUS the iranian program is much greater-Israel hit one site with a few aircraft-Iran has multiple reserach facilities, and would be hit the giant civilian reactors being built with Russian help?
Where do you think the operational HQ for AQ is now, directing the attacks in KSA and Turkey, the flow money and jihadis into Iraq? I think its Iran, but I know you wont accept that.
NO, I don;t accept it becuase there is no evidence.
And what was the source of the chemicals for the bomb in Jordan? was it Syria? Pretty good job of keeping it anonymous, since even now people are denying Syria would do any such thing.
You know, very little info has come out of that "chemical bomb"-more importantly, chemical bombs as opposed to Chemical weapons- so what does "chemical bomb" mean? Perhaps you take a bunch of chemicals and put them together? Yopu know, like you can pout a bunch of fertelizer and gasoline and a few other common materials to make a huge bomb? Did Iran give Nichols his fertilizer!

The same people who are NOW denying that a nuke can be delivered anonymously will be denying that country X had anything to do with it, the morning after a US city is nuked. Of course I may be hoping theyre listened too, since their may be people pushing for us to nuke back - which could be disastrous.
And second-nuclear weapons aren't small, simple things. They costs BILLION to make. Why on earth would the Iranians do what you think they might? Any rational explination whatsoever besides prejudice and blind fear?