Originally posted by lord of the mark
Again you are making the same mistake Che does, assuming that liberal = pro-Clinton. The NYT was NOT like Salon, assuming that if the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy disliked Clinton, Clinton must be a liberal hero. The Times dislike for Clinton no more shows the NYT as 'right' or center than the Guardian's dislike for Blair shows the Guardian to be 'right' or center. For Howell Raines, Clinton was a BETRAYER of liberalism, and this hit all the harder because Raines is himself a Southern liberal. Raines war on Clinton was motivated by hatred for his DLC third wayism. Note that Clinton was defended by the third wayish Washington Post.
Again you are making the same mistake Che does, assuming that liberal = pro-Clinton. The NYT was NOT like Salon, assuming that if the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy disliked Clinton, Clinton must be a liberal hero. The Times dislike for Clinton no more shows the NYT as 'right' or center than the Guardian's dislike for Blair shows the Guardian to be 'right' or center. For Howell Raines, Clinton was a BETRAYER of liberalism, and this hit all the harder because Raines is himself a Southern liberal. Raines war on Clinton was motivated by hatred for his DLC third wayism. Note that Clinton was defended by the third wayish Washington Post.