Originally posted by KrazyHorse
3) The Senate will be less powerful than in the US. Instead of having the ability to propose bills, write in amendments etc. they have a simple power of veto. They must vote on all bills passed to them by the Commons within 4(?) weeks. Commons may pass a bill over a Senate veto with a 2/3 supermajority.
3) The Senate will be less powerful than in the US. Instead of having the ability to propose bills, write in amendments etc. they have a simple power of veto. They must vote on all bills passed to them by the Commons within 4(?) weeks. Commons may pass a bill over a Senate veto with a 2/3 supermajority.
Imagine a Commons with the Conservatives in a majority of less than two-thirds and a Liberal-controlled Senate. The Liberals would be in control because the Conservatives could never get 2/3 majority support in the Commons. We would end up a a Conservative government in name, but a Liberal government in reality.