Originally posted by lord of the mark
Safety Net - a draw - not going away, but no more than marginal expansions in the cards. Means testing gaining elite acceptance, even among liberals, but the politics dont work
Safety Net - a draw - not going away, but no more than marginal expansions in the cards. Means testing gaining elite acceptance, even among liberals, but the politics dont work
Not a draw. Conservaties are winning here and liberals aren't fighting too hard to hold on.
Culture - conservatives lose. Gay rights, feminism, choice (which will undoubtedly survive a reversal of Roe v Wade) etc. On anything which doesnt relate directly or indirectly to economics (responsibility is good) theyve lost. Heck, even when they win (in 2004 terms) they lose (in 1964 terms) faith based solutions will include churches women ministers and priests are routine, charter schools include black power schools, etc.
Gay marriage may yet be stopped by a Constitutional Amendement. Schools are resegregating at an incredible rate, where they haven't already been completely resegregated. Black in the South face greater hurdles trying to vote than whites do, in some places having been completely disenfranchised again. And the faith based-stuff is noly going to churches allied with conservatives. It's like religious nepotism.
Face it, they're advancing on all fronts, mostly because liberals and moderates are asleep at the wheel.