Originally posted by GePap
Change what nature?
There is a reason I always bring up the Star Trek example- imagine people actually had something like a replicator: then in essence human beings would have no hand in the making of anything, and thus have no reason to do anything to harm the commons, yet they certainly would not be "under the control of machines", at least not more significantly than today, and realize that if today we had no mahcines our society would collapse into anarchy.
So the point is that we may reach a point at which all needs will be met, and so will mopst wants, and the economic system will be such that work (toil, labor) will not be necessary-if people which to compete for recognition and fame, they will be able to stick to art and sport as opposed to economic activities like farming or manufacturing.
Change what nature?
There is a reason I always bring up the Star Trek example- imagine people actually had something like a replicator: then in essence human beings would have no hand in the making of anything, and thus have no reason to do anything to harm the commons, yet they certainly would not be "under the control of machines", at least not more significantly than today, and realize that if today we had no mahcines our society would collapse into anarchy.
So the point is that we may reach a point at which all needs will be met, and so will mopst wants, and the economic system will be such that work (toil, labor) will not be necessary-if people which to compete for recognition and fame, they will be able to stick to art and sport as opposed to economic activities like farming or manufacturing.
But the replicator isn't magical, they change molecules around from base elements.