The fact is Saddam WANTEDus to think he had WMD and was feeding false information. He just didn't want us to be able to prove it. But you can only be ambigious for so long before someone misinterprets your lies. Should we be pissed of about the mistake.
By denying that he had them, offering to co-operate, and allowing WMD inspectors unlimited access to the whole nation? And don't try to feed me that "but the inspectors said that Iraqi goverment hadn't been co-operating with us 100%!" -bull, Hans Blix has been furious after the invasion, saying that everything was proceeding smoothly, but US officials pressured him to exaggarate the threat.
Bottom line, when everything is done the world will benefit form the Iraq invasion.
US has a notorious reputation from cold war with situations like this, so I'm not hopeful.
They are just out of work acotrs students with nothing better to do
Heh, hippie retards protesting FOR a dictator who kills tens of thousands a year.
No, seriously, I've been fed up with the phrase "everybody knows that Saddam is an evil mass-murderer/rapist/tyrant/bastard/messenger of Satan who sets up deathcamps where he personally brutally murders his own citizens/american babies/cute little defenseless women which we could go'n'****", I want some information. How did this dictator of yours kill tens of thousands a year?