Well I got an interesting email today from Spymac. I registered there a while back to post on the forums.
Now Spymac is basically giving away equivalents to the old Apple itools service for free.
That means free hosting, free ical publishing (all the features that .mac has including browser access to calendars and public/private calendars). A free POP email account, WebDAV access (called "spydisk") and all the other cool stuff that itools had before it became a pay service.
*** .mac I say.
Even better, there appears to be no catch, the owners want to fund it through various additional services on the site.
Wahey, free stuff!!!!!!
Now Spymac is basically giving away equivalents to the old Apple itools service for free.
That means free hosting, free ical publishing (all the features that .mac has including browser access to calendars and public/private calendars). A free POP email account, WebDAV access (called "spydisk") and all the other cool stuff that itools had before it became a pay service.
*** .mac I say.
Even better, there appears to be no catch, the owners want to fund it through various additional services on the site.
Wahey, free stuff!!!!!!