Originally posted by Elok
Starchild: Sorry, you're still not making sense to me. Are you insisting that you should have the power to surprise god? JFK still has free will in your example, he just has no particular reason to decide to behave differently unless you intervene somehow. You seem to be describing a function of time more than anything else. Is this like that "if a tree falls in the woods" question? I never got that either.
Starchild: Sorry, you're still not making sense to me. Are you insisting that you should have the power to surprise god? JFK still has free will in your example, he just has no particular reason to decide to behave differently unless you intervene somehow. You seem to be describing a function of time more than anything else. Is this like that "if a tree falls in the woods" question? I never got that either.
Briefly, omniscience dictates the actions of everybody, thing, and subatomic particles in this universe until The End. There is no freewill -- and there never will be -- if there was/is/will be a being with omniscience.