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The 213 Things Skippy is No Longer Allowed to Do in the U.S. Army

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Sikander
    7: Not allowed to add 'In accordance with the prophesy' to the end of answers I give to a question an officer asks me.
    12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
    Stadtluft Macht Frei
    Killing it is the new killing it
    Ultima Ratio Regum


    • #17
      Isn't there a Darwin award nomination for things like these:
      22. Must never call an SAS a '****er'.

      110. Never, ever, attempt to correct a Green Beret officer about anything.
      I made a similar list that would apply to my buddy. These were the things I came up with out of my mind, but if I ask him, he could probably make a list as long as that Schwartz guy:

      1. Don’t tell younger but superior officers that ”as a veteran, I only accept orders that are given in a humble tone”
      2. Don’t put cement blocks in your buddie’s backpack before a march
      3. Don’t write “This PC has been touched by my genitals” on the screen saver
      4. Don’t put tennis balls in your buddie’s backpack before the custom’s drug detection dog is about to sniff it (as tennis balls are used to train those dogs)
      5. Don’t ask Lebanese weapons dealers to get you a Merkava tank
      6. Don’t make funny imitations of celebrity war reporters over the public loudspeaker system while they are guests of your camp
      7. Don’t imitate pigs, donkeys, hippopotamus, seals, or other animals as a morning wakeup call over the public loudspeaker system
      8. Don’t broadcast highly pornographic gay humour recordings as a morning wakeup call over the public loudspeaker system
      9. The official Swedish Army morning wakeup call music should be used at least once during a 6-month mission
      10. Don’t wear the 60’s “India Mission Uniform” when the rest of the battalion wear the M/90
      11. Don’t put your genitals in your squad leaders’ ear while she is crying of home sickness
      12. Black shoeshine in your face does not automatically give you authorization to enter the Ghana officer’s mess to get a few more drinks after your own mess has closed
      13. Don’t sneak into the guest barracks late at night to take nude celebrity pictures of visiting female field artists
      14. While taking nude celebrity pictures of a sleeping female field artist, don’t remove her boyfriend’s arm from her breast to get a better view
      15. Don’t show 13-14 to your buddies at home
      16. Don’t take pictures of a fellow soldier who faded out drunk while two other soldiers put their genitals in his mouth
      17. Don’t post an enlargement of 16 in the cantina with the added text “My mouth - your toilet”
      18. Don’t tell perverted holocaust jokes to civilians in Tel Aviv
      19. When hitting on a girl at a bar in Haifa, telling her that your civilian job is to “gas animals to death” will not make you score, even if it’s true
      20. An inflatable sheep sex toy is not an appropriate barrel protection cap for the automatic cannon of your APC.
      21. An inflatable sheep sex toy is not an appropriate gift to a kindergarten
      22. Cat food is not for human consumption
      23. Neither is hair styling gel
      24. Don’t bring home live HE-ammo souvenirs above 12 mm caliber
      So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
      Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        Isn't there a Darwin award nomination for things like these:

        I made a similar list that would apply to my buddy. These were the things I came up with out of my mind, but if I ask him, he could probably make a list as long as that Schwartz guy:

        1. Don’t tell younger but superior officers that ”as a veteran, I only accept orders that are given in a humble tone”
        Will get you busted unless in a relevent situation.

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        2. Don’t put cement blocks in your buddie’s backpack before a march
        This is actually a valid training tool. However, leave it to the instructors, eh?

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        3. Don’t write “This PC has been touched by my genitals” on the screen saver
        Why? What's the problem? Would you rather people didn't know the truth?

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie

        4. Don’t put tennis balls in your buddie’s backpack before the custom’s drug detection dog is about to sniff it (as tennis balls are used to train those dogs)
        This kind of implies that, while a tennis ball is a bad idea, it's ok to keep your stash of drugs in your buddy's backpack.
        I mean, what are the MPs gonna do? Charge him with possession of a tennis ball?

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        5. Don’t ask Lebanese weapons dealers to get you a Merkava tank
        Unless, of course, you are an Israeli soldier who has recently had his tank stolen.

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        6. Don’t make funny imitations of celebrity war reporters over the public loudspeaker system while they are guests of your camp.
        Celebrity war reporters? That kind of suggests I'm in a war zone - and if I am, I'll take the pi55 out of any civilian lucky enough to be out of the way. If they can't take a joke they shouldn't be there.

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        7. Don’t imitate pigs, donkeys, hippopotamus, seals, or other animals as a morning wakeup call over the public loudspeaker system
        So, whales and other sea mammals are OK to imitate?

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        8. Don’t broadcast highly pornographic gay humour recordings as a morning wakeup call over the public loudspeaker system
        Will get you busted (unless you are actually a comedien employed to entertain the troops, in which case you will just get your jaw broken).

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        9. The official Swedish Army morning wakeup call music should be used at least once during a 6-month mission
        I'll take your word for this.

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        10. Don’t wear the 60’s “India Mission Uniform” when the rest of the battalion wear the M/90

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        11. Don’t put your genitals in your squad leaders’ ear while she is crying of home sickness
        Unless, of course, she orders you to do this.

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        12. Black shoeshine in your face does not automatically give you authorization to enter the Ghana officer’s mess to get a few more drinks after your own mess has closed
        Entering any mess not your own without an invitation will get you punished, from a simple fine up to a firing squad.

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        13. Don’t sneak into the guest barracks late at night to take nude celebrity pictures of visiting female field artists
        YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING!!! EVERYONE does this.

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        14. While taking nude celebrity pictures of a sleeping female field artist, don’t remove her boyfriend’s arm from her breast to get a better view

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        15. Don’t show 13-14 to your buddies at home

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        16. Don’t take pictures of a fellow soldier who faded out drunk while two other soldiers put their genitals in his mouth
        You mean you do this in secret? Where's the fun in that? So long as no faces are in shot it's OK...

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        17. Don’t post an enlargement of 16 in the cantina with the added text “My mouth - your toilet”

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        18. Don’t tell perverted holocaust jokes to civilians in Tel Aviv
        Unless they're not Jewish, which can be ticklish to ascertain first.

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        19. When hitting on a girl at a bar in Haifa, telling her that your civilian job is to “gas animals to death” will not make you score, even if it’s true
        Depends what her interests are really... but it's unlikely to get you laid...

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        20. An inflatable sheep sex toy is not an appropriate barrel protection cap for the automatic cannon of your APC.
        No, but it's more portable than the inflatable camel.

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        21. An inflatable sheep sex toy is not an appropriate gift to a kindergarten
        ...I'll not argue with you on this...
        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        22. Cat food is not for human consumption
        How can you tell without trying???

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        23. Neither is hair styling gel.

        Originally posted by Chemical Ollie
        24. Don’t bring home live HE-ammo souvenirs above 12 mm caliber
        Don't carry live HE rounds of any calibre, unless you are prepared for them to go bang.
        Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
        "The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84


        • #19
          Someone should PM this thread to Stefu. He might need these advice.
          So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
          Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


          • #20
            No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


            • #21
              "I am not the athiest chaplain"

              "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
              ^ The Poly equivalent of:
              "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite

