As I've stated before, the rate of investment in China is amazing. They are building up way too much capacity for the world to consume. This capacity build up has been concentrated in industries of goods that they now import.
China has been contributing so much to world economic growth because of this build up in capacity that when it stops building its capacity it will cause a crisis, and China will use its capacity in an attempt to export its way out. That will hurt Asia and probably the US.
According to Anderson, "China is not in danger of overheating. China is overheating." While the official growth rate for 2003 is likely to be 8.5%, Anderson says the real figure is much higher -- closer to 11.5%. "The economy is already running much faster than we think is sustainable," he says. The cause: "Investment and more investment -- in residential property, autos, steel, aluminum, cement, the tech sector. There's just an enormous amount of capacity."