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Messy roomates

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  • Messy roomates

    Anyone ever had any? I don't mean just kind of messy roomates, I mean more like complete slobs.

    There are five people in my house, 4 are clean, 1 is not. The kitchen especially... we have a dishwasher, yet he refuses to use it and puts his dirty dishes in the sink for someone else to wash/put in the dishwasher. We put signs up all over the kitchen telling him (although not by name) to put dirty dishes in the dishwasher, or if the dishwasher is full of clean stuff, to empty it out. But, then we'll just find more dirty stuff the next day. Its like he expects his mom to appear out of nowhere and clean it up for him... but it usually ends up being one of us. We'll even put the dirty dishes all over the stairs leading to his bedroom, but its like he doesn't even see them.

    This is only the half of it though, basically he cleans up nothing after himself.

    Does this story sound familiar? Anyone else have any messy roomate stories, and what did you do to solve it? This one has got us all stumped...

  • #2
    I haven't had a messy roommate, but I have friends who had one. Being a messy roommate is first and foremost a question of maturity.
    If the guy lives far from his home for the first time, he'll have trouble understanding that yes, HE is the one who has to clean up his crap, and that no Mom nor maid will come and clean it in his stead.

    My friends did the same as your clean mates first, they put signs, and they ended up doing their roommate's dishes. They even talked many times about it to her, with no effect. Then, they have found a better approach: whenever the messy roommate didn't do her dishes, they put the dirty dishes in front of her room's door. Whenever she did not get the trash out when it was her turn, they put the stinking trash in front of her door. Whenever she let a stinking full ashtray in the kitchen, they put it in front of her door.

    That, and a clearly displayed hostility, ended up making her understand.
    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


    • #3
      Re: Messy roomates

      Originally posted by JimmyCracksCorn
      Anyone ever had any? I don't mean just kind of messy roomates, I mean more like complete slobs.

      There are five people in my house, 4 are clean, 1 is not. The kitchen especially... we have a dishwasher, yet he refuses to use it and puts his dirty dishes in the sink for someone else to wash/put in the dishwasher. We put signs up all over the kitchen telling him (although not by name) to put dirty dishes in the dishwasher, or if the dishwasher is full of clean stuff, to empty it out. But, then we'll just find more dirty stuff the next day. Its like he expects his mom to appear out of nowhere and clean it up for him... but it usually ends up being one of us. We'll even put the dirty dishes all over the stairs leading to his bedroom, but its like he doesn't even see them.

      This is only the half of it though, basically he cleans up nothing after himself.

      Does this story sound familiar? Anyone else have any messy roomate stories, and what did you do to solve it? This one has got us all stumped...
      Tell him! Don't use hints, just tell the guy.


      • #4
        Re: Re: Messy roomates

        Originally posted by Richelieu
        Tell him! Don't use hints, just tell the guy.
        It's much b etter than hints already, but it may not be enough. But of course, telling him is a good start. Nope, telling him is the only possible way to start if you want him to change.
        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


        • #5
          I'm the messy roomate.
          "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


          • #6
            Originally posted by Spiffor
            I haven't had a messy roommate, but I have friends who had one. Being a messy roommate is first and foremost a question of maturity.
            If the guy lives far from his home for the first time, he'll have trouble understanding that yes, HE is the one who has to clean up his crap, and that no Mom nor maid will come and clean it in his stead.

            My friends did the same as your clean mates first, they put signs, and they ended up doing their roommate's dishes. They even talked many times about it to her, with no effect. Then, they have found a better approach: whenever the messy roommate didn't do her dishes, they put the dirty dishes in front of her room's door. Whenever she did not get the trash out when it was her turn, they put the stinking trash in front of her door. Whenever she let a stinking full ashtray in the kitchen, they put it in front of her door.

            That, and a clearly displayed hostility, ended up making her understand.
            Yeah, man, sounds alot like my situation. Nothing gets through to this kid, no talking, no signs, nothing. But maybe you're right, we just started putting the dirty stuff in front of his door, maybe it will start to work. As we speak there are six dirty pots on his stairs.


            I know what you mean, but I would hardly call placing one dirty pot on each of the stairs leading to his bedroom along with signs saying "clean this **** up" a "hint". How much more direct can you be?


            • #7
              We'll even put the dirty dishes all over the stairs leading to his bedroom, but its like he doesn't even see them.
              Why stop there? We use to put our messy roommates dishes IN his room, or even in his bed... Unfortunately, we ran out of dishes in about a week, as they were all under his bed.

              Eventually, we sat him down and found "chores" that he wouldn't mind doing. Assigned one day a week to do this and had a "cleaning day"... This worked for about a month, but he saw what it was like to have a nice pad, and while he wouldn't do his stuff on THE DAY we would do ours it still got done.


              • #8
                Re: Re: Re: Messy roomates

                Originally posted by Spiffor

                It's much b etter than hints already, but it may not be enough. But of course, telling him is a good start. Nope, telling him is the only possible way to start if you want him to change.
                We do tell him... when he's cooking, one of us will be like "Hey, J, you're going to clean that up when you're done, right?" And he'll say "oh yeah, sure sure", and sometimes he will but mostly he won't. Plus, we don't want to have to ask him every time, we want him to do it on his own.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Japher

                  Why stop there? We use to put our messy roommates dishes IN his room, or even in his bed... Unfortunately, we ran out of dishes in about a week, as they were all under his bed.

                  Eventually, we sat him down and found "chores" that he wouldn't mind doing. Assigned one day a week to do this and had a "cleaning day"... This worked for about a month, but he saw what it was like to have a nice pad, and while he wouldn't do his stuff on THE DAY we would do ours it still got done.
                  Yeah, I see what you mean. I'd hate to have to resort to cleaning schedules and stuff... we have sort of a liassez-faire kind of household where everyone cleans up their own mess after they make it. And it works great, just not for ****head.


                  • #10
                    Re: Re: Re: Re: Messy roomates

                    Originally posted by JimmyCracksCorn

                    We do tell him... when he's cooking, one of us will be like "Hey, J, you're going to clean that up when you're done, right?" And he'll say "oh yeah, sure sure", and sometimes he will but mostly he won't. Plus, we don't want to have to ask him every time, we want him to do it on his own.
                    The guy is ready for an "intervention" i believe. The four of you need to sit him down and make him understand. Not a casual thing: a major conversation. This is the only topic you discuss and you don't stop until he's understood and promised to change.
                    The first time he fails to do so: trash his room.


                    • #11
                      Our messy roommate was an out doorsy type, and spent most of his time on the back porch where we had a couch, coffee table, radio, fridge, and lamps set up. Since he was always out there I asked him to keep that area clean (sweep, hose it down once and a while, keep garbage off the lawn, etc.). In return I did his dishes... No problems after that.


                      • #12
                        Its like training a dog. You've got to think of positive and negative reinforcements.

                        when he does something right use positive reinforcements:

                        compliment him
                        give him a cookie as a treat

                        when he does something wrong use negative reinforcements:

                        all of you should sneak into his room and beat the crap outa him with the dirty pots
                        toss his crap outside and change the locks
                        We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
                        If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
                        Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


                        • #13
                          For the most part I'm the messy roommate. The only exception is a chick that I roomed with once who'd leave her dishes in the sink for weeks -- drove me and my other roommate up the wall. Finally I just started putting the dishes in the basement if they were in the sink for too long (we all ate straight from the dish we'd used to prepare our meal, and we all used different cooking dishes, so it didn't affect me or the anal retentive roommate at all when the slobby roommate's dishes would disappear). She eventually started doing her dishes, since it was such a pain to have to trek down to the basement every time she wanted to cook something.
                          <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SpencerH
                            Its like training a dog. You've got to think of positive and negative reinforcements.

                            when he does something right use positive reinforcements:

                            compliment him
                            give him a cookie as a treat

                            when he does something wrong use negative reinforcements:

                            all of you should sneak into his room and beat the crap outa him with the dirty pots
                            toss his crap outside and change the locks
                            Yeah, it really is like raising a child. Only thing is I don't want to be his mommy.


                            • #15
                              me and another guy in the house are the messy roomates

                              well, and there is probably another guy who is messy, but he doesn't use the kitchen and rarely uses the living room

                              but I am not that bad (I think)

                              we don't have a dishwasher, and I am always a bit late on cleaning my dishes (once a week usually, I don't eat at home that often)

                              but I usually clean others too, so I don't see how I am that bad

                              jon Miler
                              Jon Miller-
                              I AM.CANADIAN
                              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

