I've got that itch again to pick up another language aside from my own uniquely accented English dialect. New Years self-improvement resolutions and all that jazz.
Spanish has taken my interest recently as, conviently(!) it's offered as course I can do in addition to my degree at university next year. So I have no excuse not to continue with it. The only other language they offered that piqued my interest was Russian (and mandarin, french, swahili, arabic.....).
How useful is Spanish in an international and European context? I know it would fulfill the requirement of a second EU working language allowing me to, well, work for the EU...and Spain is very nice these days I hear (
For an English speaker, how difficult is Spanish to pick up? I used to live in America and I kinda miss the dubbed Spanish chat shows.
Spanish has taken my interest recently as, conviently(!) it's offered as course I can do in addition to my degree at university next year. So I have no excuse not to continue with it. The only other language they offered that piqued my interest was Russian (and mandarin, french, swahili, arabic.....).
How useful is Spanish in an international and European context? I know it would fulfill the requirement of a second EU working language allowing me to, well, work for the EU...and Spain is very nice these days I hear (

For an English speaker, how difficult is Spanish to pick up? I used to live in America and I kinda miss the dubbed Spanish chat shows.