A month or two ago I bought Railroad Tycoon 3* and became involved in the forums over at Gathering.com. It's been a while since I've been interested enough in a computer game to actually spend time at their forums learning (and giving) tips - the last one was Civ2 and it brought me to this place (1999).
But the thing that really interests me are the people who don't like the game with a conviction and earnestness usually not seen outside church. Regardless of the real and imagined flaws that might exist in RRT3, I have to wonder: what sort of people is it that hang around message boards doing nothing but complain?
There's this one guy who did a VERY thorough analysis of why (in his opinion) RRT3 doesn't match up to another game - 5,500 words in total in just two posts. There are a number of people who think that it is in everybody's best interest to talk about how the game is "broken" in nearly every thread, regardless of topic

For months! The same people do this for freakin' months! And then they get mad because the "patch" doesn't re-engineer the game to their specifications - and some of what they're asking, it's akin to *****ing to Blizzard because Starcraft is Real Time and you want it to be Turn Based and the patch didn't give you the option of making it RT or TB!
Yeah, one might feel like they wasted $50 - but then, that's why they release demos. And guess what? By the time your life is over a misguided $50 game purchase will likely be WAY ON DOWN your list of "Top-Dollar Items On Which I Wasted Big Bucks."
So what is it with people who have nothing better to do than to shiite over other people's enjoyment?
*There's a thread about RRT3 in Other Games if you care to talk about it there. I also created a pretty cool scenario for those of you with the game - if you're interested, please let me know and I can email it to you or link to one of the hosting sites.
But the thing that really interests me are the people who don't like the game with a conviction and earnestness usually not seen outside church. Regardless of the real and imagined flaws that might exist in RRT3, I have to wonder: what sort of people is it that hang around message boards doing nothing but complain?
There's this one guy who did a VERY thorough analysis of why (in his opinion) RRT3 doesn't match up to another game - 5,500 words in total in just two posts. There are a number of people who think that it is in everybody's best interest to talk about how the game is "broken" in nearly every thread, regardless of topic
"Can somebody tell me how to do X?"
"If the game was properly coded and designed, X should be truly intuitive!"
"If the game was properly coded and designed, X should be truly intuitive!"

For months! The same people do this for freakin' months! And then they get mad because the "patch" doesn't re-engineer the game to their specifications - and some of what they're asking, it's akin to *****ing to Blizzard because Starcraft is Real Time and you want it to be Turn Based and the patch didn't give you the option of making it RT or TB!
Yeah, one might feel like they wasted $50 - but then, that's why they release demos. And guess what? By the time your life is over a misguided $50 game purchase will likely be WAY ON DOWN your list of "Top-Dollar Items On Which I Wasted Big Bucks."
So what is it with people who have nothing better to do than to shiite over other people's enjoyment?
*There's a thread about RRT3 in Other Games if you care to talk about it there. I also created a pretty cool scenario for those of you with the game - if you're interested, please let me know and I can email it to you or link to one of the hosting sites.