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Andy Rooney Tell it like it is

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  • #16
    If you love whoever said that, you've got some issues.


    • #17
      This is what Rooeny REALLY had to say about this (from the above Snopse article, but it bears repeating):

      About a year ago, I became aware of a more serious theft of my name and it is so hurtful to my reputation that it calls for legal action against the thief. Hundreds of people have written asking if I really wrote the 20 detestable remarks made under my name that have had such wide circulation on the Internet.

      Some of the remarks, which I will not repeat here, are viciously racist and the spirit of the whole thing is nasty, mean and totally inconsistent with my philosophy of life. It is apparent that the list of comments has been read by hundreds of thousands of Americans, many of whom must believe that it accurately represents opinions of mine that I don't dare express in my column or on television. It is seriously damaging to my reputation.
      the good reverend


      • #18
        Yes, shame on those perpetrating this in Rooney's name.
        Tutto nel mondo è burla


        • #19
          I bet Joseph regrets posting this now.
          Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

          Do It Ourselves


          • #20
            We hope so!
            Tutto nel mondo è burla


            • #21
              Originally posted by Osweld
              I bet Joseph regrets posting this now.
              the thought crossed my mind.


              • #22
                Rooney may have not said those things, but he did diss female sideline reporters at sports events.

                Is there anyone going to defend what he said about those women? He was clearly wrong for saying that.


                • #23
                  Sounds a bit like a truck driver...


                  • #24
                    If he was wrong in saying those things, and we all realize it, what is there to defend? I sure am not going to have a chance to personally teach Rooney anything.


                    • #25
                      I'm just imagining Andy sitting there with a toaster in his hand explaining how when he was young and toaters were first invented that they didn't have the darkness setting like toasters nowadays do. And instead of popping up, you had to reach in with a knife and get the toast. He lost 3 bothers that way, but it was worth it.

                      I think I remember that episode...
                      KH FOR OWNER!
                      ASHER FOR CEO!!
                      GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!

