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Who should be held responsible? (Nukes)

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  • #16
    you can really say we are all responsible for nukes, and for every weapon for that reason.

    Person A invents the pointy stick which makes it easier for him to hunt and therefore more efficient, maybe he begins to stockpile supplies.
    Person B is jealous of Person A's accomplishment and wants some of that food to feed his family, so he goes and tries to steal some.
    Person A catches person B in the act and puts 2 and 2 together and realises that pointy stick can be used to keep Person B away.
    Person B runs away screaming and yelping with pointy stick in his left butt cheeck.

    Country A wants more resources for whatever reason. They use thier shiny gun to order people to join thier country.
    Country B decides that it will remain its own country and further more, for Country A pointing thier shiny gun at them they will humiliate them. So country B grabs thier shiny gun.
    Counrties A and B fight and fight, soon very few people wanting to fight are left in each country. A person in country B says "Hey, I have an idea for a shinier gun! It will help us to win!"
    Country B makes this gun and uses it effectively against country A
    Country A says stop it! Go away we dont want to fight anymore.
    Country B says, return to how you were so you wont be a threat to us anymore.
    Country A says, No.
    Country B points thier shiner gun again
    Country A says Ok, ok, we give up.


    • #17
      who should be held responsible?


      at least he admits it.


      • #18
        It is hard to accuse science and technical progress when there have been recently hundreds of thousand men slauthered with machete in Rwanda.
        Statistical anomaly.
        The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


        • #19
          and that's all france's fault.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Q Cubed
            and that's all france's fault.
            France did not cause it, did not do it. France did not prevent it and did not stop it. Nobody else either.
            Statistical anomaly.
            The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


            • #21
              well i suppose if you want to justify your country's poor record...


              • #22
                I'm with Che on this one. It's all his fault.
                Try for discussion and debate.

