Well, the presence of more international troops would lighten the persperctive that the Americans and British are invading and occupying forces.
Secondly, if a French, German, or Russian contractor could better complete a task than a no-bid American contractor (and at a cheaper price to the new Iraqi government), overall conditions would improve, leading to improvements in the security condition and less support for the resistance. We can't seem to maintain the electric power structure in Iraq, but a German company may have been able to have a solid system up and running by this point.
We're on a race against time. If we can't get our act together (and so far, we haven't), the resistance is going to gain power (though it's been dealt a significant blow in the past 24 hours).
Secondly, if a French, German, or Russian contractor could better complete a task than a no-bid American contractor (and at a cheaper price to the new Iraqi government), overall conditions would improve, leading to improvements in the security condition and less support for the resistance. We can't seem to maintain the electric power structure in Iraq, but a German company may have been able to have a solid system up and running by this point.
We're on a race against time. If we can't get our act together (and so far, we haven't), the resistance is going to gain power (though it's been dealt a significant blow in the past 24 hours).