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Israel to block Irish UN religion motion
Ireland, which has sponsored the resolution for 20 years, declined Israel's request this year to include a condemnation of anti-Semitism, on the grounds that it would lead to the perception of a hierarchy of religious intolerance and detract from the resolution's universal scope.
Paiktis, this motion is being put in front of the 191 member general assembly however, and I find it hard to believe that Israel would be the only group with a bee in their bonnet over the resolution.
Maybe they are the only ones though. Which makes their refusal to play ball even more shameful.STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!
Anti-semitism = religious intolerance. I dont see Israels problem.
Yes the holocaust was bad. Doesn't mean the world has to revolve around Jewish sensibility."I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
"You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:
BTW this is really the "cold war". Arabs say something, Israel to block it. Israel says something, Arabs to block it. And then of course even if a 3rd party proposes something, both sides rush to capitalize on whatever it is. Although I suspect this must not be the only such occurence. Must be other constantly opposing duos too in the UN.
Re: Israel to block Irish UN religion motion
Originally posted by our_man
Basically Ireland is proposing a general motion that condemns all religious intolerance, and Israel is angry that anti-Semitism is not getting a specific mention. This is ridiculous; to promote anti-Semitism above other forms of religious intolerance is wrong. Israel is acting irresponsibly by acting against this motion for no good reason.
Irelands compromise proposal was to propose a seperate motion to deal with anti-Semitism (which I personally consider to be a more sensible approach and fully support). However this was blown out of the water by (yup, you guessed it) those wonderful Arabs/Muslims, which considering that they are the main perpetrators of anti-Semitism, isn't really that surprising.
So, what is everybody's opinion on the current state of affairs? Do any of you actually support Israels bigoted stance on this?
But Israel is just being arrogant and unreasonable with this.A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.