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Human Progressive Discourse

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  • Human Progressive Discourse

    Hello fellow human beings!
    It's your pal, Agent Subversion, here! I'm up to my old wiley Cultural Subversionist tricks again, of course.
    For those of us who live in America, we have a commroderie here. The knowlidge that we all live a lie of freedom and that something is just not right about the way things run. That in a democracy, you shouldn't pick an arbitrary rich man to make all the decisions in a region and that the first job of our government is supposed to be to the betterment of it's people.
    We all know that this isn't really the case, and that THINGS need done. What are these THINGS? What can be done? Hell if I know!
    But i'd love to discuss things of this nature with people, come up with an idea or two. Cause boy howdie, I got nothing.
    And everyone outside the US, I'd love to chat with you too! Were all people, I'd like to hear both sides (hear both sides lemme hear both...).
    So go ahead and think of something and give it a post, something that vaugly worries you would be a good start prolly.
    Though I dunno, I got nothing!
    Agent Subversion out

  • #2
    I think I like you...
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #3
      Sava's reply to your post vaguely worries me.


      • #4
        Agent Subversion out


        • #5
          Originally posted by AgentSubversion
          michael jackson killed kennedy!
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #6

            guess what this is ?


            • #7
              I think I figured out where heros came from.
              There were tribes of nomadic humans, and a panther or something would show up in the area.
              One of the larger and stronger males would go and meet this predator. The human was more or less doomed, especially in the stone age. The predator would eat it's fill of our hero and move on. The tribe would be thankful that the cat didn't swing into the gathering and injure a few dozen of them or what not. So they tried to remember the one who met the predator out on the feild, in song or something. Was something I was thinking about.
              If this is true, what does that mean about hero worship?
              I got nothing
              Agent Subversion out


              • #8
                what does that mean about hero worship?
                that human beings are stupid...

                dammit I wish an asteroid would just put us out of our misery...
                To us, it is the BEAST.


                • #9
                  Thats not what it means at all
                  Thats a lame excuse to not have to work things out.
                  Like giving up before you try
                  A lot of people do this though
                  A generation told to Shut Up for so long they have nothing to say.
                  I might be wrong
                  I got nothing

                  But i don't think it means humans are stupid, as i have no idea what you mean by stupid...or misery for that fact.
                  Agent Subversion out


                  • #10
                    well I'm a lazy person... an eternal pessimist... and uhhh I wish bad on everyone...

                    somehow this is bush's fault!
                    To us, it is the BEAST.


                    • #11
                      I'm just looking for introspective observations from people, ideas and an exchange of opinions.
                      Usually you get off the top of the head retorts and catch phrases. Politicly correct buzzwords and what not.
                      I just don't see how people could be going through life and not be paying attention to the details of their life, and of the world around them.
                      When someone does step up, they start regurgitating philosiphy they picked up in collage or something. As if you have to be trained to be able to pinpoint things in culture, when you live in said culture.
                      I was thinking
                      Stupid isn't not knowing something.
                      Stupid is being unable to take new ideas and incorperate them to a persons existing ideologies based on the merit of the idea.
                      Stupid is being unable to find patterns in multiple facts and being able to predict outside known fact framework.
                      Maybe? I got nothing
                      Agent Subversion out


                      • #12
                        Dear DL Agent Subversion!

                        Welcome to our forum. I feel you're a socialist, si?


                        • #13
                          I have no idea what I am, and i'd rather not try and stereotype. Consider me a social scientist and lover of human beings, enemy of human animals.
                          From there? I just like to sit around and chew that fat.
                          And not asnine fat, but the really meaty fat.
                          Are you really in Isreal? If so, whats that like?
                          Agent Subversion out


                          • #14
                            Anyone wanna talk about something non-superficial?
                            Comeon kids, never better than the present.
                            Agent Subversion out


                            • #15
                              If you could capture, in their full, the invulsive movments and twitching that accompanies listening to good music; could you use that input to create the music? Kind of a reversal of that kind of steam of thought. Run the input through a quasi-predectable music generation algorytham, maybe with a visual representation as well. One form of input the do shading and another doing modeling.
                              I got nothing
                              Agent Subversion out

