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I Can't Wait To Go To Iraq

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  • I Can't Wait To Go To Iraq

    The latest news and headlines from Yahoo News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.

    MOSUL, Iraq - Iraqi teenagers dragged two bloodied U.S. soldiers from a wrecked vehicle and pummeled them with concrete blocks Sunday, witnesses said, describing the killings as a burst of savagery in a city once safe for Americans.

    Another soldier was killed by a bomb and a U.S.-allied police chief was assassinated.

    The U.S.-led coalition also said it grounded commercial flights after the military confirmed that a missile struck a DHL cargo plane that landed Saturday at Baghdad International Airport with its wing aflame.

    Nevertheless, American officers insisted they were making progress in bringing stability to Iraq (news - web sites), and the U.S.-appointed Governing Council named an ambassador to Washington — an Iraqi-American woman who spent the past decade lobbying U.S. lawmakers to promote democracy in her homeland.

    Witnesses to the Mosul attack said gunmen shot two soldiers driving through the city center, sending their vehicle crashing into a wall. The 101st Airborne Division said the soldiers were driving to another garrison.

    About a dozen swarming teenagers dragged the soldiers out of the wreckage and beat them with concrete blocks, the witnesses said.

    "They lifted a block and hit them with it on the face," said Younis Mahmoud, 19.

    It was unknown whether the soldiers were alive or dead when pulled from the wreckage.

    Initial reports said the soldiers' throats were cut. But another witness, teenager Bahaa Jassim, said the wounds appeared to have come from bullets.

    "One of the soldiers was shot under the chin and the bullet came out of his head. I saw the hole in his helmet. The other was shot in the throat," Jassim said.

    Some people looted the vehicle of weapons, CDs and a backpack, Jassim said.

    "They remained there for over an hour without the Americans knowing anything about it," he said. "I ... went and told other troops."

    Television footage showed the soldiers' bodies splayed on the ground as U.S. troops secured the area. One victim's foot appeared to have been severed.

    The frenzy recalled the October 1993 scene in Somalia, when locals dragged the bodies of Marines killed in fighting with warlords through the streets.

    In Baqouba, just north of Baghdad, insurgents detonated a roadside bomb as a 4th Infantry Division convoy passed, killing one soldier and wounding two others, the military said.

    In Baghdad, Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt confirmed the Mosul deaths but refused to provide details. "We're not going to get ghoulish about it," he said.

    The savagery of the attack was unusual for Mosul, once touted as a success story in sharp contrast to the anti-American violence seen in Sunni Muslim areas north and west of Baghdad.

    In recent weeks, however, attacks against U.S. troops have increased in Mosul, raising concerns the insurgency is spreading.

    Simultaneously, attacks have accelerated against Iraqis considered to be supporting Americans — such as policemen and politicians working for the interim Iraqi administration.

    On Sunday, gunmen killed the Iraqi police chief of Latifiyah, 20 miles south of Baghdad, and his bodyguard and driver, American and Iraqi officials said. No further details were released.

    The assassination occurred one day after suicide bombers struck two police stations northeast of Baghdad within 30 minutes, killing at least 14 people. Gunmen on Saturday also killed an Iraqi police colonel protecting oil installations in Mosul.

    In Samara, about 75 miles north of Baghdad, Iraqi police said six U.S. Apache helicopter gunships blasted marshland after four rocket-propelled grenades were fired at the American military garrison at the city's northern end. One Iraqi passer-by was killed in the air attack, police said.

    In Kirkuk, 150 miles north of Baghdad, a bomb exploded at an oil compound, injuring three American civilian contractors from the U.S. firm Kellogg Brown & Root. The three suffered facial cuts from flying glass, U.S. Lt. Col. Matt Croke said.

    KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton, also has a significant presence at Baghdad's Palestine Hotel, which was rocketed by insurgents Friday, wounding one civilian.

    "We all know that Americans are being threatened," Croke said.

    Kimmitt told reporters in Baghdad that witnesses saw two surface-to-air missiles fired Saturday at a cargo plane operated by the Belgium-based package service DHL as it left for Bahrain.

    The plane was the first civilian airliner hit by insurgents, who have shot down several military helicopters with shoulder-fired rockets.

    DHL and Royal Jordanian, the only commercial passenger airline flying into Baghdad, immediately suspended flights on orders of the coalition authority.

    Despite the ongoing violence, U.S. officials insisted the occupation was going well.

    "If you look at the accomplishments of the coalition since March of this year, it has been enormous," Marine Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in Tikrit.

    Pace is touring Afghanistan (news - web sites) and Iraq.

    Sometimes a person wonders why you should even care. People here **** on you and people there **** on you and your higher ups dont know whats going on. The only person that matters it the guy next to you.

    I used to think it was important. But why should we really care if they have a democracy or enough water if this **** is going to happen while political wanna be's here at home snipe from the sidelines. If they want to live in a ****hole then I say let them.

    I have no problem with what we have done so far. But It's time to cut them loose. Let the UN come in and **** it up. Let blue helmets get shot at. Just dont put me in one.
    Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh

  • #2
    The Americans wanted this so badly that they were willing to alienate every ally they have to get in Iraq.
    Now they are morally obligated to stay to rebuild Iraq, as well as the other nations that contributed to the war.

    Nations that did NOT contribute have no obligations to Iraq.
    Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
    Long live teh paranoia smiley!


    • #3
      How is this the fault of all Iraqis? America put them against the ropes, and they're bouncing back with fists flying. Can you blame them?

      Of course the murders are horrific acts, but that's what happens when you fill people with rage by invading their country and destroying their way of life.

      It's been obvious that war against Iraq was never a good idea. This is just superfluous proof.
      "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
      You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

      "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


      • #4
        Baghdad seems to be turning into Mogadishu.
        "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
        You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

        "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


        • #5
          Re: I Can't Wait To Go To Iraq

          Originally posted by Sprayber
          Let the UN come in and **** it up. Let blue helmets get shot at. Just dont put me in one.
          Don't like what you signed up for? You can always desert.
          Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

          Do It Ourselves


          • #6
            You really believe that the Boosh admin did this for the good of the Iraqi people? I don't, not for a nanosecond.
            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


            • #7
              Well ****, maybe we shouldnt even be there. What did you expect? A repeat of Hitler's flower wars?
              "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


              • #8
                Originally posted by orange
                How is this the fault of all Iraqis? America put them against the ropes, and they're bouncing back with fists flying. Can you blame them?
                Depends who they are and what their motivations are.

                Of course the murders are horrific acts, but that's what happens when you fill people with rage by invading their country and destroying their way of life.
                You mean the way of life of jumping up and down chanting "WE OFFER OUR LIVES FOR YOU, SADDAM... WE OFFER OUR LIVES FOR YOU, SADDAM... WE OFFER OUR LIVES FOR YOU, SADDAM..." ad infinitum on command, of being near starving so Saddam can work on his 48th palace or the X thousandth heroic mosaic, statue or other memorial to himself? Or the way of life of being a persecuted ethnic or religious minority?

                It's been obvious that war against Iraq was never a good idea. This is just superfluous proof.
                Good idea or not, it's the here and now baby.
                When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                • #9
                  Originally posted by orange
                  Baghdad seems to be turning into Mogadishu.
                  Not even close, but maybe we should give them a little more of what we gave the skinnies.
                  When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Urban Ranger
                    You really believe that the Boosh admin did this for the good of the Iraqi people? I don't, not for a nanosecond.
                    Of course not. But why it was done is useless in the context of what to do with it now. It's not useless in terms of derailing the next grand adventure, but the neocon appetite seems full up right about now.
                    When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                    • #11
                      Re: I Can't Wait To Go To Iraq

                      Originally posted by Sprayber
                      The latest news and headlines from Yahoo News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.

                      Sometimes a person wonders why you should even care. People here **** on you and people there **** on you and your higher ups dont know whats going on. The only person that matters it the guy next to you.
                      Yep, and why the **** they're moving isolated two man sections or fireteams instead of moving and deploying in force like they're in a goddamn war is beyond me. ****ing REMFs that cut these orders.

                      I used to think it was important. But why should we really care if they have a democracy or enough water if this **** is going to happen while political wanna be's here at home snipe from the sidelines. If they want to live in a ****hole then I say let them.
                      Unfortunately, the political wannabe in the white house decided this was going to be a "beacon of hope" and a "model" for the ME - it sure as hell is the latter, but not the sort of model George II had in mind. Giving a **** about the average Iraqi goatherder isn't essential, but any failure of mission (despite the impossibly high bar set by our dear Commander in Chief) is going to encourage every ******* with a beard, a turban and an agenda to go after us forever.

                      I have no problem with what we have done so far. But It's time to cut them loose. Let the UN come in and **** it up. Let blue helmets get shot at. Just dont put me in one.
                      Some fights you can't back out of. The only way through is forward.
                      When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                      • #12
                        "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                        - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                        Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
                          Of course not. But why it was done is useless in the context of what to do with it now. It's not useless in terms of derailing the next grand adventure, but the neocon appetite seems full up right about now.
                          What to do now? I reckon it would be best to get the Arab League to come in with a peacekeeping force.
                          (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                          (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                          (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                          • #14
                            You mean a carving up force! Hey, that's not such a bad idea!



                            • #15
                              Give the Palestinians the state they've always wanted.
                              Visit First Cultural Industries
                              There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
                              Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd

