If you go to the link you’ll find a site detailing what the conservators and experts at the British Museum felt were the top ten treasures in their keeping.
I saw the programme about this on Sunday and was a bit surprised, until I found out that they related only to objects or finds located within the United Kingdom, not properties sourced from abroad.
I was wondering what any non-U.K. apolytoners think of the selection, and what do they consider to be the top ten exhibits in their country’s keeping? I suspect Americans might think of the Wright Brothers pioneering aeroplane, an Apollo capsule, a copy of the Declaration of Independence, and so on. The criteria the Museum staff used seemed to be based more on what the objects could tell us about the people who used them, or the times in which they were used, which is why wooden postcards written by the garrison at Hadrian's Wall are at number one, and not some fabulous gold or silver treasure.