Originally posted by problem_child
How about not complicitly allowing Saddam to put down the uprising after GW1 just because a popular uprising would not have been in US interests... in fact how about not allowing the Conspiracy Institute of America to have helped him into power in the first place.
How about not complicitly allowing Saddam to put down the uprising after GW1 just because a popular uprising would not have been in US interests... in fact how about not allowing the Conspiracy Institute of America to have helped him into power in the first place.

The Sanctions where called Genocidal by the UN staff charged with administering them, and against the Geneva Convention. Iraq was held under seige for twelve years by the US and it's lackey... this had nothing to do with WMD, but everything to do with the purposeful impoverishment of a sovereign nation state, an attack upon the human rights of it's civilian population (the sanctions actually made Saddams Ba'athists look good in their governments actions to avoid mass starvation!) and a 'softening up' of the country for 'aquisition' and administration by the puppet-regime that will shortly be installed to service American interests.
So UNSCRs and refusal to trade violate the Geneva convention,

D00D, what 1337 planet are you from? It took us four days to wipe 60% of Saddam's military force from the map - you think we needed 12 ****ing years to "soften up" Iraq?

Yes, and we "purposefully impoverished" a nation that had the luxury of sending an armored division to contribute to the attempted invasion of Israel, which got nearly 50 billion in subsidies from the US, USSR, France, and the arab world in connection with it's war against Iran (started by Hussein, who thought Khomeini would be impressed by what a tough guy he was).

How many palaces and memorials to himself did Saddam manage to build during this "siege?" But of course, it's all our fault, and poor sweet innocent Saddam, the hero of the Iraqi people, is just victimized and misunderstood.
