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Guantánamo Bay

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  • Originally posted by HershOstropoler
    "Somehow those Chechens and Yemenis, etc. with the folding stock Kalashnikovs didn"

    Not to mention them showing their passports in combat.

    Btw, any evidence for Chechens?
    IIRC, around 3-4 dozen prisoners were identified as Chechens.

    "they seem to have called the shots as to both the assassination of Mahmoud and the timing of "their" offensive."

    So you attribute 9-11 to AQ ruling Afghanistan? Even if, it's history.
    I don't necessarily make the connection, but I would assume that they realized the attention would be focused on the US martyrdom actions, and not the general offensive to clear rebels out of the remaining disputed enclaves of northern and eastern Afghanistan.

    "especially as a justification to give them POW status."

    Was AQ a de facto state?
    Maybe. Or maybe they were a part of one. Why worry about it though? It's not like your government, or any European government, or any one else gives enough of a rat's ass to make an issue of it in any international forum.

    "The fact that the guy (a) doesn't look like an Afghan, (b) doesn't speak the local languages, (c) isn't dressed like the locals, (d) is carrying arms or concealing them, and this is visible at the engagement ranges at which you take their surrender, (e) is caught fleeing from a front line combat zone or wandering around in a daze after a B52 strike."

    Apart from the value of that definition, how many in Guantanomo fit that definition? Do you know anything? Do you know anything beyond the Pentagon's propaganda lies?
    A fairly large number in Gitmo fit that definition. The real high level guys haven't been brought there. And if I knew anyone who had any involvement in any part of the process or other actions in Afghanistan, and if we hypothetically speaking had any casual discussion of the professional aspects of these issues, then that individual would, hypothetically speaking, be violating Federal law by unauthorized disclosure of classified information. So of course, I have no knowledge or information of a classified nature.

    "Like it or not, the cowboy approach, or "when in doubt, wipe 'em out" is what happens in front line combat, especially when you have to assault an enemy held position. "Hot" surrenders are really rare."

    If they fought in a front line, it may be that they qualify for POW status. But again, what do you know about the circumstances of their arrest?
    What do you know that contradicts the position of the US government? Not what you think, or assume, but what you know?
    When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."

