Even though you have saved some of your money you will not be a billionaire. Some of us may become billionaires, but the great majority will be working for someone else until we die. In short, you're still a worker.
Anyway, yeah I'm a worker. I prefer it that way. I *could* scrape together what I've saved, go get a loan, and open a business of my own, had I the inclination. I don't do that for several reasons, including the fact that it's risky and that I know it would mean more work for me. See, though I'm not a billionare (fine by me, frankly), I work my 8 hours and I go home, and that's that. Not so with most business owners - particularly small businesses.
Not everyone will own their own businesses, that's true. But, like me, many DON'T WANT TO. Rather than "own the means of production" and devote ridiculous amounts of my life to making sure the business is profitable, I'd frankly rather work my 8 hrs and leave work at the office at the end of the day.