Originally posted by Oerdin
So you tell me Techumseh why we should ignore the treaties direct requirements and declarations? Now that I have quoted the treaty and it's requirements as well as shown that the people who don't meet those requirements are specifically excluded from the treaty's protections how am I wrong? I suspect you will avoid these question and instead post yet more opinion pieces instead of real legal wording from the treaty but you might surprise me.
So you tell me Techumseh why we should ignore the treaties direct requirements and declarations? Now that I have quoted the treaty and it's requirements as well as shown that the people who don't meet those requirements are specifically excluded from the treaty's protections how am I wrong? I suspect you will avoid these question and instead post yet more opinion pieces instead of real legal wording from the treaty but you might surprise me.
What I said (again), is "Conditions at Gitmo - people held without charges, no rights, denied the status of Prisoners of War, under threat of execution by military tribunal - has produced many attempted suicides. The American government will not dissavow the use of torture there. It is noteworthy that these conditions would not be considered legal within the US proper."
Even people who AGREE with your postion (such as the European Parliament - to whose resolution I linked) argue that it does NOT mean that such persons should lose all rights. This is the real issue.
The very fact that the Bush regime has located this camp outside American soveriegn territory is evidence that human rights and protections provided by the American constitution (you know, that thing the President swears to uphold?) are being circumvented.
The regime in Washington has found a way around the GC and American law. They COULDA extended POW rights or other rights, such as the right to due process. COULDA and SHOULDA.
That people rationalize away such rights is proof to me that the United States has lost all moral authority. It is now a place in which force of arms has replaced the rule of law in international affairs. The world is left to draw it's own conclusions.