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Are reservations for poor kids in PRIVATE schools a good idea ?

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  • #46
    Re: Re: Are reservations for poor kids in PRIVATE schools a good idea ?

    Originally posted by LTEC!
    I went to a private jesuit University and was paying my way through architecture school, and was fortunate enough to obtain the grant...I normally didn't care about grades but in this case I made an exception because not keeping them would cost me a LOT of money. Hence, I graduated summa *** laude.
    @ the spam filter


    • #47
      I agree with Dr. Strangelove. though I know nothing about this particular issue in India and my knowledge of India is fairly limited, I do know that we (those in the West) can not use our standards to say what is right or wrong in the context of such an impoverished country as India (which also has the added problem of a only recently ended caste system). Maybe breaking the independence of private schools would be wrong here in the US, but in India, this may be the only chance a few of the millions upon millions of poor children have of actually getting an education and moving up out of poverty.
      "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
      "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


      • #48
        You are a kid who has never seen the inside of a school in your life , having lived in a shack or hovel all your life . Suddenly , you find you and a few similar people herded into school . You feel very intimidated , as you can't understand so many thigns people there take for granted, and you have to bear the superior attitude of other people , as you are "the dumb one" . You can identify with the few others , so you form a group/gang . Whenever someone has any problem , the gang resorts to bullying . Is this what the policymakers intended ? Shouldn't they provide schools for such childern that they may get a chance to join the mainstream ?
        so you're alternative would be to have these students stay in shacks until they're adults and then to work the fields for the rest of their lives? this aint no hand out or nothing... this is just giving poor people a chance to get an education so they can work hard to succeed.
        "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
        "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


        • #49
          Originally posted by skywalker


          There are many public schools that are BETTER than private schools.

          But, what about averages or the median? I would suggest that the best public schools are as only as good as the lowest quality private schools.

          Read that post from aneeshm. "Government schools" are pathetic in India. On the whole, they are pathetic in the United States.

          Now, why are they pathetic? Is it the people who attend them or the people who run them?

          Private schools have to perform or they die. Public schools do not.

          Public school education, I repeat, will NEVER be as good as private school eduction (on the average), in any time or place.

          It is high time we all recognized this and began to act accordingly.


          • #50
            sounds good. they should do this in the U.S. Though if the kids prove to be too much of a nuisance they should be kicked out.


            • #51
              Separate but equal is alive and well in the United States and staunchly defended by the Democrat Party in opposing a voucher system.


              • #52
                Ned, you're right about the average. However, I never pass up an opportunity to brag about my school


                • #53
                  the average is meaningless. Who has more money per student? Who has pupils that are better off financially, and get better resources?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Azazel
                    the average is meaningless. Who has more money per student? Who has pupils that are better off financially, and get better resources?
                    Public schools get more than twice the money as do private schools.

                    Does that help?


                    • #55
                      The Democrat defense of public schools is simply amazing if you think about it. They say they are in favor the average folk, of the working man, of minorities. And yet, they favor apartheid in education.



                      • #56
                        I can't figure it out.

                        What's even worse is they want to keep public schools as is. They fear any kind of change that might make public schools better. The teacher's union has a strangle hold over the public schools.

                        And I always thought it was the republicans against change. Dems are as well.


                        • #57

                          Public schools get more than twice the money as do private schools.

                          Does that help?

                          from whom?


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Azazel

                            Public schools get more than twice the money as do private schools.

                            Does that help?

                            from whom?
                            Mostly from state governments, although there is increasing support from the Feds.

                            Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, public schools were financed solely by local property taxes. When that was the case, the schools were generally a lot better. But it was felt that such funding made the "rich" schools better. Thus funding was taken up by the states to "level" funding. As a result, funding in poorer districts has gone way up, but parent influence on the schools has decreased.

                            All this shows is that parents are much more important that money.

                            But what also happened is that the rich turned to private schools across the boards as the quality of public schools fell. The only people who now send their kids to public schools in the US are those who cannot afford a private school. These are the poor, the working man and the minorities.

                            Now, one would think that the Democrats would favor expanding equal opportunity for the downtrodden. But they are the one's who are blocking vouchers. Why?

                            For one, vouchers would mean the end of public schools who could not compete with private schools on quality. It would mean a return to the bad old days of parent input and influence. It would mean that people could send their kids to religious schools - an anathema to the atheist socialist.

                            But the bottom line is that the elite Democrat sends his kids to private school even while opposing vouchers that would enable the poor, the working man and the minorities to enjoy good education.

