seating arrangements in some assembly 200 years ago don't reflect the left-right ideology of today. Many Europeans may have a different view of left-right but I live in the US where we have our own history.
Of course it does. The whole left-right spectrum is based on that premise. Europe and the US have different traditions. Therefore our left-right spectrums are different.
Is the "right" in these European states anti-capitalism and pro-socialism as much or more so than the "left"?
Well some of them are. The CDU (Christian Democrats) in Germany is pretty pro-socialism. Fascist parties in many states are anti-capitalism (anti-free trade).
You just said the French left were socialists so how could capitalism be left wing based on where these people sat?
Cause the capitalists were anti-tradition. You do realize in the bourgeois revolutions of the 1800s socialists and capitalists fought together against the monarchies, right? They were on the same side back then because they had a common enemy: the right-wing monarchies.
Drugs were legal in the US for more than half it's history, so I'd call that a tradition. Was alcohol prohibition left wing since it was a break with tradition?
I would think the tradition of Christian morality goes much further than simply 50-100 years of some legal drugs. After all, traditions are the passing down of culture, not simply something being legal. Both prohibiting drugs and alcohol are reactionary movements because they tried to go back to Christian (Puritan) morality.
The underlying principle of their ideology is left wing.
No, they are definetly on the side of tradition.
With my linear spectrum autocrats are at the end of the left wing and anarchists are at the right end. Would you consider Falwell and Robertson more autocratic than anarchist?
They are more autocratic, obviously. In your made up linear spectrum you can put them where you wish. In the left-right spectrum they are firmly on the right.
If the Catholic Church was/is a right wing institution, why does your spectrum have autocrats on both wings?
Why not? The left-right spectrum deals with tradition, solely. The better question is why does your spectrum have pro and anti traditionalists on both wings?