OK, It's the ULTIMATE POWER challenge. Got you excited? Are you ready? Sissies, you can stop reading this!
YES, it's the REAL DEAL. You have to be of age to enter this contest. Next weekend, time later announced, I'll be challenging everyone on Poly to a drinking contest.
You don't have to drink to enter this contest though. You can try to drink me down and be the winner, or you can bet how much I'll be drinking. It will be beer (no light beer you pansies!), and it will be lot of it. You must bet before the contest starts and give your predictions, and it would be cool fi you want to enter, that we'd start about the same time, but since it's most likely impossible, we have to figure something out. WHO'S READY?!
YES, it's the REAL DEAL. You have to be of age to enter this contest. Next weekend, time later announced, I'll be challenging everyone on Poly to a drinking contest.
You don't have to drink to enter this contest though. You can try to drink me down and be the winner, or you can bet how much I'll be drinking. It will be beer (no light beer you pansies!), and it will be lot of it. You must bet before the contest starts and give your predictions, and it would be cool fi you want to enter, that we'd start about the same time, but since it's most likely impossible, we have to figure something out. WHO'S READY?!