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I'm With Stupid XXIII: Too stupid to use Hindu-Arabic numerals
Method, please. Two and a half hours between announcing closure and posting the results is hardly subpar.
Results of the 23rd round of I'm With Stupid:
26. st_swithin - 10
25. Gopher - 11
24. Ari Rahikkala - 14
23. Immortal Wombat - 15
21. mrmitchell - 16
21. Ben Kenobi - 16
20. Richeliu - 17
19. SnowFire - 20
18. Azazel - 21
17. Crimson Sunrise - 22
16. Frozzy - 23
15. Deathtongue - 24
14. The Andy-Man - 26
12. Wernazuma III - 29
12. Straybow - 29
11. Method - 30
10. Stuie - 31
8.Smiley - 32
8. Boshko - 32
7. Space05us - 35
6. Comrade Tassadar - 36
5. St Leo - 37
4. duke o' york - 38
3. Vesayen - 39
2. Stefu - 41
And the winner is...
1. skywalker, with 44 points. Congratulations.
1. Who are you?
Me - 5
is a ****ing damned good song. - 1
Zylka - 5
You mean 'we' - 1
I am Ozymandias, King of Kings. Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair. - 1
I'm just a poor boy... - 1
Smiley - 1
Who wants to know? - 2
I am not a free man, I am a number - 1
I am your father! - 1
Matthew Gideon, Captain, attached to the Earth Alliance Starship Excalibur. - 1
Kassiopeia - 1
Does it matter? - 1
Stuie! - 1
Who - who, Who - who. farts - 1
William Shatner - 1
2. Americans have astronauts, the Chinese have taikonauts and Russians have cosmonauts. What would Finns have?
Evil - 2
evilnauts - 1
Drunks - 1
Hemorrhoids. - 1
Finnonauts - 4
bananauts - 1
Tähtinauts - 1 (This would be my choice, if we had to use *naut. Tähti is Finnish for 'star'.)
Avril Lavigne - 1
Suominauts - 2
Stormtroopers - 1
Nutsonauts - 1
Spacefinns - 1
Bad Herpes - 1
pretty ladies - 1
Satanauts - 1
Suomiläunchinäuti, of course! - 1
Fennonauts - 1
Shuttles drawn by trained seals. - 1
A hangover. - 1
Vodka - 1
Nokia - 1
3. Which team will win the Stanley Cup on season 2004 - 2005?
Devils - 1
A Canadian one - 1
The team with the most victories - 1
Boston Bruins - 2
How the hell should I know?! - 1
Chicago Cubs - 1
Vancouver Canucks - 1
Zylkanauts - 1
banana - 2
Colorado Avalanche - 1
The first ones over the line - 1
Edmonton Oilers - 2
Hockey sucks - 1
It hurts when I pee - 1
Stanley United - 1
The giants - 1
What, do you think the world won't end before 2005? - 1
Stupid Americans and their Stanley Cup, STUPIDER THAN IWS! - 1
Stanley who? - 1
Whichever one cheats most. - 1
The Philadelphia Flyers - 1
Go Habs Go! - 1
NY Yankees - 1
4. What did Noah Webster do to the English language?
Bastardised it - 3
Rape it - 2
Withheld its penicillin. - 1
****ed it - 1
mAd3 it moR l33t tHan b3f0r. Web-sters r00xors! - 1
lexicated. - 1
write a dictionary - 6
Alphabeticalised it and set it to print. - 1
Who is Noah Webster - 1
banana - 1
He threw it out of a helicopter - 1
Butcher it - 2
Define it - 1
As one American Founding Father said, "I don't trust someone who can only think of one way to spell a word." - 1
He seems to be a verb. - 1
The same thing that McDonalds did to hamburgers - 1
5. Is that your final answer?
No - 6
Yes - 14
Is this a test? - 1
I'd like to phone a friend. - 2
Maybe - 1
Oh, funny! A Who Wants to be a Millionare joke! Wow! I would like to build a time machine and travel back to 1999 when that joke was actually creative and funny! You are such a comedy mastermind! Hey, how about a question with "Livin' La Vida Loca"? - 1
Wait... let's ask the audience. - 1
6. Who is/was the real life equivalent of Darth Vader?
Ming - 1
Gordon mah Ung - 1
George W. Bush - 7
Ted Kennedy - 1
James Earl Jones - 2
**** Cheney - 1
Anakin "Helin" Skywalker - 1
Tony Blair - 1
Kassiopeia - 1 (Black armoured exoskeleton, gotta get me some of that)
Gandhi - 1
Rupert Murdoch - 1
Zylka - 1
The SCO Group, Inc. - 1
he IS real! - 1
Princess Diana - 1
rah - 1
Bill Gates - 1
Richelieu... the other one. - 1
Mickey Mouse - 1
7. If you were given 300 dollars to spend on a game console, what would you do?
Eat it - 1
I'd buy an XBox, discover a ridiculuously easy way to get it to do something it's not supposed to do, and get sued by Microsoft for breaking a security protection - 1
Drink it - 4
Buy more cigarettes - 1
Keep it. - 1
Buy a GameCube, Super Smash Brother Melee, Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime, and Soul Caliber II. Then spend the rest of the money on Valkyrie Profile & Wild ARMs 3 for the PS/PS2. - 1 (I wish I could get Wild Arms 3 or even Xenosaga in Finland. Sigh.)
Save for my girlfriend's visit this Christmas. - 1
Buy PC games. - 1
buy x-box - 2
Hookers - 1
Invest in the stock market! - 1
spend it on a game console - 2
Upgrade my PC - 1
Pay the bookies so I won't loose my thumbs on Tuesday. - 1
Spend it on something else - 2
I'd buy a couple of XBoxes and use them as X terminals. - 1
buy games - 1
buy a GameCube - 1
PS2 & loads of games - 1
Go to the movies, buy a pizza. - 1
8. Who conspired the death of Princess Diana?
Zylka - 2
The government, the aliens, the Chinese, tinfoil people, the Illuminati, Ukrainians, and what conspiracy theory would be complete without the Finns. - 1
Lee Harvey Oswald - 1
Batman - 1
Everyone - 1
Kassiopeia - 1 (Maybe...)
Charles - 2
George W. Bush - 3
Fez - 1 - 1
MI5 - 1
Osama Bin Laden - 1
The Finns, obviously - 1
All 22 surviving Hapsburgs - 1
Paul Burrell - 1
Queen Mum - 1
Hagbard Celine - 1
let the lady rest, sheesh! - 1
I did! - 1
Royal Family - 1
God - 1
Grandma - 1
9. Why are school uniforms a good idea?
Japanese, Asian Schoolgirls - 6
Because then kids will beat each up over important stuff like drugs - 1
Robin - 1
Because they are - 2
Keeps kids in line - 1
Zylka - 2
they aren't - 3
Hot girls - 6
Have you ever SEEN a catholic schoolgirl uniform? - 1
They get perverted teachers hard - 1
They take the decision of what clothes to wear out of the hands of stupid people. - 1
Old men like young girls in school uniforms - 1
Errors? Whine and I'll see what I can do.
Edit the first - removed the second "s a ****ing damned good song. - 1"
Edit the second - as per Boshko's complaint, upped "Drink it" on Q7 to four points, and thus upped Stefu's, Richeliu's and Stuie's total scores by one and Boshko's by three. This put Stuie ahead Method, Richeliu ahead Ben Kenobi and mrmitchell, and Boshko ahead Method and a heap of other people. Skywalker remains the winner, however.Last edited by Kassiopeia; November 3, 2003, 08:15.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Henceforth shall this round be known (to me) as "the round in which I didn't try"Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
Ye stampeding Cthulhu, I am in the Top ****ing Five.o_0
In your face, Tassadar.Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at
I'd buy an XBox, discover a ridiculuously easy way to get it to do something it's not supposed to do, and get sued by Microsoft for breaking a security protection
my friend did it to two xboxes
7th ain't bad for my first try is it?