How many words can you find, with these letters:
Each word gives a certain number of points:
The first poster to post a new word gets the point (No need to repost "old" words)
No editing allowed... except by me
You're allowed to write a "sentence" instead, you may add a MAX of one "space"... but you may not use the same letter more times than it's represented above...
Though it has to make sense, otherwise you wont get the ponts...
Anyone up for this?
I don't know when this will end... let's see how many interested players there are... if there is any...
Score so far:
Each word gives a certain number of points:
# of words: Points: 13 (The exact word in my mind) 50 13 40 12 35 11 30 10 15 9 10 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4
No editing allowed... except by me

You're allowed to write a "sentence" instead, you may add a MAX of one "space"... but you may not use the same letter more times than it's represented above...
Though it has to make sense, otherwise you wont get the ponts...
Anyone up for this?
I don't know when this will end... let's see how many interested players there are... if there is any...

Score so far:
-Jrabbit 179 Oedo: 57 Q Cubed 52 Skanky burns: 43 Cerberusiv 35 Mikeh 10