Originally posted by JohnT
Generic List of Thread Titles and Starters:
"Look what Oddity I found after 59 consecutive hours of Web Browsing", Stefu.
"Newsflash of the latest Terrorist Attacks in Israel", Siro/Azazel.
"A thread about something Entertainment related in a pathetic attempt to break up the political monotony on the OT.", JohnT
"Hey, look at me!", Slowwhand
"My Rage About the Drug War has Sent Me Into a Parsing Frenzy", Berzerker
"Can you believe this Rightest Evil that is currently being perpetrated on the Third World?" by Chegitz Guevara
"No, Che, I cannot. How about these being committed by Americans/Bush?" by Monkspider, Sava, Agathon, and Chegitz in separate threads, about separate topics
"Pinochet is the way!" Fez
"Check out the latest Intel ADS-6044-PDQ 10GhZ thingamabobble that kicks AMD's latest offering in the as*!!" Asher
"How Microsoft screwed 47,000 African school children out of their milk money", Urban Ranger
"Women: How I can't get any, and by the way, here's how to dress and act to attract them.", Albert Speer.
"Slightly Girlie topics, like Barbie Dolls", LTEC!
"Yet another excuse to post pictures of Mantas/Sophia", Saras/JohnT
"Can you ban me for the 39th time? I'm not getting any work done again", GP/TCO
Generic List of Thread Titles and Starters:
"Look what Oddity I found after 59 consecutive hours of Web Browsing", Stefu.
"Newsflash of the latest Terrorist Attacks in Israel", Siro/Azazel.
"A thread about something Entertainment related in a pathetic attempt to break up the political monotony on the OT.", JohnT
"Hey, look at me!", Slowwhand
"My Rage About the Drug War has Sent Me Into a Parsing Frenzy", Berzerker
"Can you believe this Rightest Evil that is currently being perpetrated on the Third World?" by Chegitz Guevara
"No, Che, I cannot. How about these being committed by Americans/Bush?" by Monkspider, Sava, Agathon, and Chegitz in separate threads, about separate topics
"Pinochet is the way!" Fez
"Check out the latest Intel ADS-6044-PDQ 10GhZ thingamabobble that kicks AMD's latest offering in the as*!!" Asher
"How Microsoft screwed 47,000 African school children out of their milk money", Urban Ranger
"Women: How I can't get any, and by the way, here's how to dress and act to attract them.", Albert Speer.
"Slightly Girlie topics, like Barbie Dolls", LTEC!
"Yet another excuse to post pictures of Mantas/Sophia", Saras/JohnT
"Can you ban me for the 39th time? I'm not getting any work done again", GP/TCO