There were tons of game I needed to finish. But one thing is common to them all.. they're old games. Like X-Coms.. I HAD to finish.. Baldurs Gate (not so old), Doom.. and super mario bros for sure. And one of the older games, I really needed to finish Giana Sisters.
I still can't believe some of those nintendo butthole friends of mine back at then had the balls to claim, that Giana Sisters was copied from nintendos super mario idea, and it was hard to convince them even after I had proven that Giana Sisters came out before super mario.. talk about meatheads. 'My Nintendo is THE BEST!' 'No my Sega is the BEST!' 'Sonic the Hedgehog kicks Super Marios butt!' 'Well who is more popular now?' 'Well Sega 8bit has TWO GAMES BUILT INSIDE!' yadayadayada.. but that was ok until they started with the (and yes it was the meathead nintendo guys, not sega guys) 'Nintendo is way better than your Amiga500'. Then I tried to explain comparison is not valid, because Amiga500 is a computer and you can do whole lots of stuff with it PLUS the games WERE BETTER THAN NINTENDO LITTLE CONSOLE GAMES. I was lucky, because then one guy had both, Amiga500 AND Nintendo and he backed me up. I'm telling you, we almost erupted to calling each other offensive names.
I still can't believe some of those nintendo butthole friends of mine back at then had the balls to claim, that Giana Sisters was copied from nintendos super mario idea, and it was hard to convince them even after I had proven that Giana Sisters came out before super mario.. talk about meatheads. 'My Nintendo is THE BEST!' 'No my Sega is the BEST!' 'Sonic the Hedgehog kicks Super Marios butt!' 'Well who is more popular now?' 'Well Sega 8bit has TWO GAMES BUILT INSIDE!' yadayadayada.. but that was ok until they started with the (and yes it was the meathead nintendo guys, not sega guys) 'Nintendo is way better than your Amiga500'. Then I tried to explain comparison is not valid, because Amiga500 is a computer and you can do whole lots of stuff with it PLUS the games WERE BETTER THAN NINTENDO LITTLE CONSOLE GAMES. I was lucky, because then one guy had both, Amiga500 AND Nintendo and he backed me up. I'm telling you, we almost erupted to calling each other offensive names.