I'm doing a project for my global marketing class and I have decided on France as the country I'm going to use, and the product I had in mind was Dairy Queen
so here is the project description
so any insight you could give me into the french mindset would greatly appreciated 
so here is the project description
Based on extensive research, each student will prepare and submit a final paper including both a country environmental analysis AND a market plan for the product or service selected in the country chosen.
The 7-10 single-spaced page paper (normally 15-20 including exhibits) should include:
· A description and analysis of the geography, demographics, economy, culture, and history of the country chosen.
· A detailed description of the product chosen including why the he or she believes it will do well in the country chosen. This must include an analysis of the market size and type for that product or service, along with a description of the methods used for market analysis.
· A marketing plan developed specifically for the country and product/service. (Note: see attached market plan outline)
· A detailed bibliography and Internet web site list
The 7-10 single-spaced page paper (normally 15-20 including exhibits) should include:
· A description and analysis of the geography, demographics, economy, culture, and history of the country chosen.
· A detailed description of the product chosen including why the he or she believes it will do well in the country chosen. This must include an analysis of the market size and type for that product or service, along with a description of the methods used for market analysis.
· A marketing plan developed specifically for the country and product/service. (Note: see attached market plan outline)
· A detailed bibliography and Internet web site list
