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Need game reviewers for strategy game site

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  • Need game reviewers for strategy game site


    As the subject says we need serious people that can write about games. We have already 4 game reviewers in our staff but there are to many games out there so we need to find 2 more.

    If you are interested you will have to post some links to any articles you have written in the past.

    Either reply here or email me at

    All our reviewers get free games. The ones they review. So you wont have to buy them anymore. But we cant pay them for their work. So they will only get free games from us that theyll have to review within 2 weeks of receipt.

    I would also like to say thanks to the forum moderators for allowing me to recruit people from here as I already found one really good reviewer through it (Chris) and his already pilled up with games.

    We simply need more writers.

    Not sure if its ok but for those interested you can check our site at



  • #2
    I'll do it. My English is fluent, but sometimes, I DO make mistakes since it's not my native tongue.
    Either PM me, or email me to:

    sdavidko at (preventing spambots from picking up my e-mail )


    • #3
      Please post some link to any of the articles you written before.



      • #4
        well I easily handle READING this stuff ( I am just an undergraduate student. )

        an article, or a solid textual piece that I've written? Let me look.

        Well, since most of my posting here is either debating or one-liners, I don't think I'll be able to find an article. I can give you an example of debates with rebuttals, etc. and I am sure many in this community will be able to testify that I can speak English very well, including English-speaking people who've met me in real life.


        • #5
          Yes well that is a problem. We need Perfectly fluid english writers.


          • #6
            Well, if noone else comes up, you can PM me. I'll be in your backup list. No hard feelings.


            • #7
              oh, and I think you meant 'fluent'. ;-)


              • #8

                Way to lead by example!

                I think you'd be foolish to look this particular gift horse in the mouth. Az would do a decent job I'm sure, but if you have any doubt then just judge him after his first couple of reviews and tell him you still need him. Even if his English is not absolutely perfect mother-tongue (but then whose around here is?) then surely you have some kind of proof-reading system before publishing any reviews. You could at least read one another's reviews before putting them out, if only to check spellings, etc. Furthermore, although I understand you'd like as professional an output as possible, this is the net after all and no-one who goes online regularly can afford to be a stickler for perfect spelling and grammar.

                Yours, a Grauniad reader.


                • #9
                  Duke things arent that bad. You can find good people anywhere.

                  We need somebody with any background in writings. Something must exist. Some article.

                  Azazel if I knew english well I would write reviews on me own. But I dont.


                  • #10
                    No problem, dude. :-D

                    What I am saying is, that I have no doubt whatsoever that I am capable of doing this, but I can understand why you'd hesitate to take me on board. On the other hand, just as duke has said, if, after a review or two, you'd see that I am not good, just fire my ass :-) . I wouldn't stay hurting, either. It's just a fun side project, to keep me supplied with games, nothing serious.

                    So, as I said, it's your show, it's your decision...

                    I'd still pick me. ;-)


                    • #11
                      I was only saying that you shouldn't choose Az because he's the only one to respond so far, but because he's obviously a vet of strategy games and surely this knowledge of what will appeal to gamers, and a desire to write for you, would count for more than an ability to write well but little interest in strategy games. I can write a fair sentence, and am interested in strategy gaming, but I don't have the time or desire for write for you.
                      When is your next issue? If you need someone quite soon then Az is a very worthy candidate. If not, then wait and see who you will get but it's better to have someone who knows, and cares, about the subject matter rather than someone who can write well but is just looking for web writing experience.
                      Good luck in your search.


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the kind words, duke.

                        So, Magpie, if you want me to do it, PM me.


                        • #13
                          A few points, if I may.

                          First, why the numbers after your name? Its not like there are many people named Magpie at this site. Actually, before you arrived there were precisely zero.

                          Second, I don't see what you have to lose by giving Azaz a chance. Perhaps the risk of sending off one game to him that doesn't translate into a decent review, but on the other hand you may find him to be a valuable resource.

                          Third, this line
                          There are of course ups and downs to remaking a classic: although you have the string foundation upon which to build, the expectations are much higher.
                          is most probably wrong in the UFO: Aftermath preview. I would hazard a guess that he meant "strong".

                          Forth, Apolyton should be an affiliate with your site. ;)

                          Nice site, checking it out now.
                          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                          • #14

                            Yes I noticed that as well but didnt mention it as both have some sense. So skipped it.

                            Yes the only risk is to send the game. But you know I dont really like the game of trial/errors anymore. Had it way to many times. I will talk with "Az" to make some test article for something. I really need something in upfront.

                            Well I would be interested certanly into affiliating with Apolyton. Havent yet contacted them.


                            • #15
                              I'll send you a review ( of Civ 3) in a couple of days.

