At first I didn't think today was going to be a good day. You see I'm 27, unemployed, and I have just suffered the ignominy of having to move back in with my parents. Well, I suppose I didn't have to but being a cheap bastard I found the idea of free rent to be much preferable to paying rent and my mother is quite ill so she can't be left home alone.
I thought I could help out a bit and assist my mother when she needs it, however, my father said he wanted a professional there and so hired an in home assistant to help my mother while he was at work. At first I was sort of insulted; I felt like he didn't think I was up to the job or something but now I am in 100% agreement. I mean he may very well think I'm not up to the job but I agree that it is much nicer for me if somebody else does it.
In any event Aurora is a very nice phillipino lady who helps my mother to walk around, sees she takes her medication on time, does physical therapy with her, and even does light house work when she has nothing better to do. She really is great and she's a huge help since my father is a lazy traditional male slob who relied upon my mother to do all of the housework. I tried to help cleaning up the place when my mother fell ill but I'm afraid my father never really liked the way I did any thing. He'd ***** and complain about how I loaded the dishwasher or even if I vacuumed. I suspect it's just the stress were all going through knowing my mother is dyeing of cancer but still its hard to be nit picked and not blow up at someone.
Any way, now I have nothing to do but look for a job so I can once again regain my dignity. Aurora is great in that she helps my mom, does laundry, and helps with light housework. This way it gets done and I don't have to listen to my father ***** about how I've done it wrong. I truly wonder why we didn't just hire someone before.
I thought I could help out a bit and assist my mother when she needs it, however, my father said he wanted a professional there and so hired an in home assistant to help my mother while he was at work. At first I was sort of insulted; I felt like he didn't think I was up to the job or something but now I am in 100% agreement. I mean he may very well think I'm not up to the job but I agree that it is much nicer for me if somebody else does it.

In any event Aurora is a very nice phillipino lady who helps my mother to walk around, sees she takes her medication on time, does physical therapy with her, and even does light house work when she has nothing better to do. She really is great and she's a huge help since my father is a lazy traditional male slob who relied upon my mother to do all of the housework. I tried to help cleaning up the place when my mother fell ill but I'm afraid my father never really liked the way I did any thing. He'd ***** and complain about how I loaded the dishwasher or even if I vacuumed. I suspect it's just the stress were all going through knowing my mother is dyeing of cancer but still its hard to be nit picked and not blow up at someone.
Any way, now I have nothing to do but look for a job so I can once again regain my dignity. Aurora is great in that she helps my mom, does laundry, and helps with light housework. This way it gets done and I don't have to listen to my father ***** about how I've done it wrong. I truly wonder why we didn't just hire someone before.